Tag Archives: Summer

Monday Musings about Everyday Things…

beach beautiful blue sky blue water

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Uhm, yeah, that beach is where I wish I was right now instead of my overly air conditioned house.  Sorry I haven’t been posting much.  I’ve been sidetracked by the ordinary summer things that keep us all busy.

It’s been super hot in the Midwest, like mid-90s hot and humid with heat indices in the low 100s.  Not great for spending time outdoors but we did over the weekend, watching JP practice tee ball.  Those poor kiddos running in the heat for an hour!  At least grown ups got to stay in the shade…

Hubby’s younger sister is having surgery today to repair a brain aneurysm that has been pressing on her optic nerve and causing double vision and balance problems.  We are still anxiously waiting any word as she’s in TN and we’re in IL.  But it is truly miraculous what procedures can be done nowadays.  And had she not had symptoms, they probably would not have found the problem until it was too late.

I got adjusted by the chiropractor again this morning and he has a newer, stronger massage table.  It’s like being on an amusement park ride!  All three of us are going to the gym this week and we each have eye appointments.  And the pest control guy is coming tomorrow to make sure our carpenter ant problem is under control.

Then on Wednesday it’s Independence Day here but I swear people have been setting off fireworks for at least a week now.  The poor dog hates going outside when it gets dark and the noise starts.

Speaking of noise, last year we were at older son and DDIL’s house on July 4th and people nearby started shooting off fireworks during the late afternoon.  JP, who was four and a half, was playing ball in the yard when a really loud explosion went off.  He ran for all he was worth to the picnic table where we were all sitting, yelling, “That scared the hell out of me!”

All four grandparents looked disapprovingly at his daddy, biting our lips and trying very hard not to laugh.  “What?” he frowned.  “Why is it always my fault?”  Why, indeed?

Hope you all are having a lovely July, wherever you are!

Lazy, hazy days and crazy-ass curly chemo hair…


Okay, those are my excuses for not posting much lately.  I go outside into the sunshine and I’m not motivated to write.  I’m motivated to garden and pull weeds and maybe wash the windows or paint the little piece of trim above the front door.  And go to the gym now that I’m finally getting over this frustrating sinusitis, the second time since chemo.  Apparently my immune system will take some time to recover.  I’m trying to eat well and work out regularly.  But not write…

My fiction piece The Reunion is starting to bore even me, so I can imagine how you felt if you read it.  It’s on hold for now.  I’ve been reading a lot lately and some is for NetGalley, so I’ll need to post some reviews soon.  If I get motivated….

My hair gets crazier every day.  It’s almost two inches long now and thicker and white with some dark mixed in, especially in the back.  And curly, like Mary’s little lamb curly. And what do people say to me who haven’t seen me for awhile?  Oh, your hair is SO white or SO thick or SO curly!

No, really?  I say this with a shocked look on my face and touch my head.  My God, what happened?  You know, we don’t have any mirrors at the house!  Well, that’s what I’d like to say anyway.  Then they tell me how cute it is.  Uh, huh, sure.  But no one is rushing out to get a really bad perm like mine.  Or stop coloring and highlighting.  The only good thing is the speed with which I can shower and get out the door.  Blow drying doesn’t make a difference at all, so air dry it is…

But enough whining about me.  😉  How are you all?

Monday Musings and Dog Days of Summer…


Can you believe it’s August already? Some random thoughts…

In the U. S., these are the dog days of summer, the hottest, most humid time of the year…

School will be back in session soon, within two or three weeks in some suburbs here.  Where has the summer gone?

I’m feeling scattered lately with my life and my writing.  I’ll pull it together soon…maybe…

I need to buy a new swimsuit for a winter vacation and stores are already filled with back-to-school fashions and winter coats — and probably Halloween candy…

Why such a rush for summer to end?  Things are just heating up…

Hint of Green, a Summery Limerick…


A summery day for a teen

Tan skin, blonde hair, the pool scene

It’s easy to forget what can happen

A simple chemical reaction

Pool water can turn your hair green 🙂

In response to Mind and Life Matters Limerick Contest, Summer. 

I always thought it was chlorine that could turn blonde hair green, but my research reveals it is actually copper in the water that is oxidized by chlorine, then binds with the protein in hair strands and turns them green.   

Diane D.

Photo from momsagainstcooties.com

A Few Haiku…


Pretty scarlet rose

Tender petals unfurling

Summer waits nearby

Days grow longer now

The air, heavy with perfume

Breathe deeply, my love

Ever fleeting time

Reminding us to savor

The warmth and beauty

~Diane D.