Monthly Archives: August, 2020

Yay, Yay, it’s Saturday…

Dating 2020

Yay, Yay, it’s Saturday…

Only today because I got up early to go spray a wasp nest in my mailbox. Tomorrow I have to figure out how to get it out of there. Sometimes being a grownup sucks!

Yay, Yay, it’s Saturday…

So true…

Yay, Yay, it’s Saturday…

Truer words…😂

Monday Musings About a Blogging Anniversary…

No way!

I just got notified that I signed up with WordPress FIVE years ago! I really cannot believe it’s been that long.

When I first started this blog, I was going to review books and just wait for people to find me. (Hence the name). Eventually I branched out into writing fiction and then shared stories about my family and life. You’ve all been so sweet and supportive, my virtual family who’ve patiently stayed with me through all the good times and bad, travels, health issues and even my husband’s unexpected passing 18 months ago.

I found that reading other blogs and commenting was as much fun as writing my own and made some wonderful new friends. Especially now in these crazy, crazy times, talking to people around the world about a myriad of issues has been an interesting and exciting diversion.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for joining me on my writing journey all these years. And many, many thanks to those who’ve started following recently!