Tag Archives: Aneurysm

Monday Musings…


UPDATE:  my husband passed away this morning at 11:22 a.m.  Life will go on, but it is forever changed…

I’m going to be taking a break from blogging, perhaps an extended one.  It’s 3:54 on Monday morning and I’m writing through a blur of tears as I sit in a hospital room as my dear, sweet husband of 37 years swiftly fades away.

Early Sunday morning he suffered a massive brain bleed and life became a whirlwind of ambulances, emergency rooms, phone calls and texts to relatives and the words you never want to hear — there is literally nothing we can do and chances of survival are about 3 percent.

My children who live close by gathered around and we talked and cried and tried to make some decisions.  I stayed overnight because I could not bear to leave.  I slept a few hours before the ICU nurse woke me to tell me his blood pressure had dropped significantly and he had spiked a high fever.  Still, there’s really nothing to do but wait and cry and feel my heart breaking.

We’ve had such a wonderful life together.  I know I’m very lucky and not everyone is blessed as I have been.  I just thought we’d have more time.  I want to thank you all in advance for your love and support and prayers because I’m not sure I’ll have the time or ability t respond to comments.  I love you all, too and I’m so grateful for your friendship.

Monday Musings about Everyday Things…

beach beautiful blue sky blue water

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Uhm, yeah, that beach is where I wish I was right now instead of my overly air conditioned house.  Sorry I haven’t been posting much.  I’ve been sidetracked by the ordinary summer things that keep us all busy.

It’s been super hot in the Midwest, like mid-90s hot and humid with heat indices in the low 100s.  Not great for spending time outdoors but we did over the weekend, watching JP practice tee ball.  Those poor kiddos running in the heat for an hour!  At least grown ups got to stay in the shade…

Hubby’s younger sister is having surgery today to repair a brain aneurysm that has been pressing on her optic nerve and causing double vision and balance problems.  We are still anxiously waiting any word as she’s in TN and we’re in IL.  But it is truly miraculous what procedures can be done nowadays.  And had she not had symptoms, they probably would not have found the problem until it was too late.

I got adjusted by the chiropractor again this morning and he has a newer, stronger massage table.  It’s like being on an amusement park ride!  All three of us are going to the gym this week and we each have eye appointments.  And the pest control guy is coming tomorrow to make sure our carpenter ant problem is under control.

Then on Wednesday it’s Independence Day here but I swear people have been setting off fireworks for at least a week now.  The poor dog hates going outside when it gets dark and the noise starts.

Speaking of noise, last year we were at older son and DDIL’s house on July 4th and people nearby started shooting off fireworks during the late afternoon.  JP, who was four and a half, was playing ball in the yard when a really loud explosion went off.  He ran for all he was worth to the picnic table where we were all sitting, yelling, “That scared the hell out of me!”

All four grandparents looked disapprovingly at his daddy, biting our lips and trying very hard not to laugh.  “What?” he frowned.  “Why is it always my fault?”  Why, indeed?

Hope you all are having a lovely July, wherever you are!