Monthly Archives: July, 2021

Yay, Yay, it’s Saturday…

I’m here for you…

Me & JP, Conversations with an 8-year-old…

JP is my youngest grandson and I’ve been lucky enough to spend a lot of time with him all of his life. His Nana L and I took turns babysitting him from the time his mom went back to work.

Later, JP and his mom and dad and bulldog, Tank, lived with us while their house was being built.

Youngest and I lived with them for a year after selling our house and before we were ready to buy the house we’re in now. I try to pick him up once a week after summer camp so we can spend time together and we still have great conversations. He’s so smart and funny!

Me: Please don’t eat your broccoli with your fingers! You have a knife and fork.

JP : I always eat broccoli with my hands at home.

Me: I bet you don’t! Mom and dad wouldn’t let you. And I guess I can’t take you to a restaurant anymore if you do that.

JP: Nana, yes you can. I just won’t order broccoli!

Yay, Yay, it’s Saturday…

Yay, Yay, it’s Saturday…

Pretty darn close!