Monthly Archives: February, 2021

Yay, Yay, it’s Saturday…

Woo hoo!

Me & JP, Conversations with My Grandson…

JP and his Papa from 2014. Two peas in a pod!

JP is my youngest grandson who turned 8 in September. He and his mom and dad lived with us while they were building their house several years ago. We were so lucky to spend every day with him for nearly a year and I know I’ll always have a special relationship with him.

My husband, JP’s beloved Papa Paul, died from a brain aneurysm two years ago and it has been a huge adjustment for us all. My youngest son and I lived with JP and his family after I sold my house and I again got to spend every day with him for a year. Now that I have my own house again and we’re all dealing with the restrictions of Covid-19, I don’t get to see him as often as I’d like.

But JP usually comes over once a week after school to just hang out, play video games with his uncle and eat dinner with us. We still have some great conversations, especially on the car ride home. Here’s one from last week…

JP: Nana, what would you wish for if a genie gave you three wishes?

Me: I’d use my first wish to ask for 100 more wishes.

JP: Huh, that’s a good one!

Me: Then I think I’d ask for lots of money so I could give it to all my family and friends who needed things. And my last wish I’d ask for enough vaccines for everybody in the whole world so we could get over Covid-19 and get back to normal.

JP: Those are good! You know what I’d wish for, Nana?

Me: No, what would you wish for, hon?

JP: I’d wish that Papa could come back…

Me: Aww…

(I’m not crying, you’re crying…)

Yay, Yay, it’s Saturday…

Hahaha, almost!

Still Freezing…


Monday Musings about Winter…

Should have eaten him before he saw his shadow …

Here in Northern Illinois we have probably 15 or more inches of snow on the ground and we’re expecting between 5 and 6 inches more by tomorrow morning! I swear it snows like every other day now. I am so over winter…

It’s also been much colder than normal for weeks now so nothing is melting. At the moment it’s 3 degrees F. and we have another winter storm warning in effect because of the icy, snowy roads and below zero windchills. I wimped out and told youngest I wasn’t driving him the 18 miles to work this morning. I mean, they haven’t even plowed my subdivision yet!

Our poor little dog is thoroughly disgusted with putting on her coat and harness for a one minute dash down the path in our backyard that I dug out for her. She came from Kentucky, so we’re not sure if she ever even saw snow before. What a rude welcome to Illinois, right?