Monday Musings…


UPDATE:  my husband passed away this morning at 11:22 a.m.  Life will go on, but it is forever changed…

I’m going to be taking a break from blogging, perhaps an extended one.  It’s 3:54 on Monday morning and I’m writing through a blur of tears as I sit in a hospital room as my dear, sweet husband of 37 years swiftly fades away.

Early Sunday morning he suffered a massive brain bleed and life became a whirlwind of ambulances, emergency rooms, phone calls and texts to relatives and the words you never want to hear — there is literally nothing we can do and chances of survival are about 3 percent.

My children who live close by gathered around and we talked and cried and tried to make some decisions.  I stayed overnight because I could not bear to leave.  I slept a few hours before the ICU nurse woke me to tell me his blood pressure had dropped significantly and he had spiked a high fever.  Still, there’s really nothing to do but wait and cry and feel my heart breaking.

We’ve had such a wonderful life together.  I know I’m very lucky and not everyone is blessed as I have been.  I just thought we’d have more time.  I want to thank you all in advance for your love and support and prayers because I’m not sure I’ll have the time or ability t respond to comments.  I love you all, too and I’m so grateful for your friendship.

74 responses

  1. i so sorry to read this, hugs and heart go out to you all- beth

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    1. Thank you so much, Beth. Just going one day at a time right now. But I’m lucky to have a big supportive family and lots of wonderful friends! 💕

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  2. Diane, there are no words anyone can say to make this any easier for you. Hugs and love to you. Remember to eat and sleep and look after yourself with the support of all your friends and family.

    We’ll be here waiting for you. xx

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    1. Aw Peter, I am trying to take care. Still in shock I think. Cannot believe he’s really gone. The kids have been here all week and family begins arriving today. I think next week will be harder when everyone goes back to their lives and I have to find my new normal. Hugs to you, my friend 💕

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      1. I’ll be thinking of you during the next few days. You will, no doubt, remain strong for your kids, and then probably be in bits when you are eventually alone. May your husband’s love be all enveloping to help you through to the new normal. Hugs.

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      2. So lovely, Peter! My thanks for your beautiful thoughts


  3. Oh no, I’m so so sorry. There is never enough time. All I can do is send positive energy and virtual hugs.

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    1. Thank you! Hugs are always welcome💕

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  4. This is awful news, I’m so sorry. You’ll be in my thoughts today for sure. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I’m still in shock, I think but grateful for all the support.


  5. So very sorry to hear of this Diane. This is devastating news.
    My prayers go out to you and yours, and to your husband as well.

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    1. Aw, Drew, I’m just reeling. Life really is too short. I’m reminding myself every day that we had many wonderful years together and I’m so grateful for that. I’m also grateful for such supportive friends and family 💕


  6. words cannot express how sorry I am you are experiencing this. Xoxo

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    1. Thank you, sweetie. I hardly have any words myself right now. But I know eventually things will get better. Baby steps! 💕

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      1. Take all the time you need 😊 and we’ll be here when you are ready to come back!

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  7. Oh, Dee I cannot even think of the right thing to say. I am so sorry. My heart is with you and your family. Sending all my love. ❤️❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Meg. It’s been such a shock for everyone, so unexpected. But I’m lucky we had such great years together. The kids have rallied around and are being wonderful 💕

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      1. I’m so sorry… thank goodness for your family. All my love.❤️❤️

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  8. Oh my goodness. My sincerest condolences, hugs, and prayers. God bless you both.

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    1. Thank you, Wendy. It’s been an ordeal but I’m lucky to have lots of love and support from family and friends.

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  9. Oh no. I am so very sorry to hear this. Words fail. I’ll be keeping you, your husband and your family in my thoughts and heart.

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    1. Thank you, Laura. I am still in shock. Really thought we’d have more time

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      1. I am so glad to hear you’re surrounded by family and friends, and I know they will continue to be there for you. I’m just an email away if you need anything, too. Hugs.

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  10. I am so sorry to hear this very sad news.
    Sending you so much love and thinking of you all.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Vi. I am still reeling and on autopilot right now.


  11. Oh, Dee, I’m so sorry to read this today. I’m sending my thoughts and prayers for your husband.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Rob. I’m dreading all the services this weekend but lucky to have wonderful family and friends to get me through 💕

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  12. Oh no, Dee. I can’t begin to express how so, so sorry I am to read this. I know it sounds hollow, but if there’s anything at all I can do, please, do t hesitate to ask. Our thoughts are with you and your family. 😔

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much my friend!

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      1. Of course. I know you must be devastated, but don’t forget to take care of yourself.


  13. May angels surround you and give you peace. Very sorry for your ordeal.


    1. Thank you, Jan. I like the idea of angels very much!


  14. […] When I read about D’s husband passing this morning, I lost it. Her blog post was just overwhelming, I can’t imagine what she is going through. […]

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  15. This is one of those times when being a virtual friend is not enough. I want to reach out and hug you and cry with you. I can not begin to imagine the shock and grief you are going through. You are in my thoughts and prayers as you struggle through this time. May God hold you tight in His hand and bless you with a peace beyond anything that makes sense. May God comfort you and your family. 🙏💜

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Linda. I am lucky to have a big family and everyone is being so supportive. I think I can only do one day at a time right now.

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  16. I am so sorry to hear of your loss- “I thought we had more time” really hits home. Going to show extra appreciation to my loved ones today. Prayers for your healing.

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    1. Thank you and I agree, life can be unpredictable and way too short

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  17. I’m so very sorry. There really are no words at times like these. I’m sending lots and lots of love and hugs. ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, I’m still pretty overwhelmed. But I do have lots of family and the kids are so supportive and doing so much! I think when everyone leaves and it’s quiet, that will be the hardest 😢

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  18. I’m so, so sorry to hear this sad news. You are in my thoughts and prayers, my friend. Take all the time you need. We’ll be here when you return. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, D. I’m on auto pilot right now and the kids are being so great. Lots of changes coming

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      1. Always here for you, my friend ❤️

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  19. So sorry to hear the news. Sending comforting energy, and with your family by your side, you will be in warm, caring arms through this. Hugs to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Julie. I am lucky to have so much support

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  20. Stunned. Heartfelt prayers for your peace & strength, Dee.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, my friend. This weekend will be rough


  21. Blessings to you my dear sweet Dee…<3 My thoughts and prayers are with you. Call me if you need me. Love to you my dear ❤


  22. […] friend Dee, from the blog Ladies who lunch reviews, lost her dear husband of 37 years suddenly this week.   It was 37 years of having a wonderful […]

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  23. I am so sorry. Take care of yourself and know there are a lot of people holding you tight in their hearts.

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    1. Thanks so much! All the loving thoughts truly do help.

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      1. Having been there I understand. xx

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      2. I’m sorry you’ve had to go through the pain…

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  24. I just learnt about what you are going through, through Rob’s reblog… We don’t know each other, but I just wanted to come to offer my condolences, warm hugs and thoughts from afar. I can’t begin to imagine how painful these days must be for you… No words can heal your broken heart, but I hope this big group hug from the bloggosphere will bring a little comfort to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Very sweet of you, thanks much for thinking of me.

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      1. You’re welcome… I hope you and your family will get through this hardship and find some peace with the help of each other. xx

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  25. Oh Diane, I’m so very sorry to hear of your loss. I wish there was a way to hug you or help in some way. I’m glad you have family nearby, and I’m so very glad you had the courage to tell us about it. Wishing you much comfort and strength as you work this terrible time. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. Family has left now and it’s quieter but still okay. Friends and family check in and I’m picking my grandson up after school today. Baby steps…

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  26. I am at your blog today by coincidence…So sorry about your lose, may God bless you.

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  27. Oh Diane, I’m so so sorry to read this. My heart aches for you. Sending you love and prayers. xx 🙏

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    1. Thank you, Miri. The whole family is in shock right now.

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      1. I’ve no doubt you are, this is such a sad difficult time for you. Sending you lots of love and support from afar. xx 🙏

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      2. Thank you, sweetie. Appreciate the love and hugs!

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  28. I am so sorry, my thoughts and prayers go out to you. Please write me any time if you need a shoulder. Love you dear.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Lynn. It’s so hard right now and my children are in their 30s so they are having a tough time with losing their dad. Especially so close to Christmas and with no warning of him being ill. I can only go day by day right now

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      1. I can’t imagine how hard it must be for all of you! Yes day by day must be the only way. Call or write any time no matter when or where. I am here for you❤️❤️❤️

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thanks, Lynn! Have a wonderful holiday with your family .<3

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      3. I hope the holidays are not too difficult and that you can experience joy and peace❤️


  29. Please take good care of yourself ❤️❤️❤️


  30. I am so sorry to hear. I’ve taken an extended break from social media and have just come back online gradually over the passed 2 weeks or I would have passed my thoughts and prayers on to you sooner. ❤ Hugs

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    1. Thank you, Toni. We r moving forward as we have to…


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