Tag Archives: Theme reveal

A to Z Theme Reveal…



Yesterday was technically A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal Day, but as usual, I’m a day late!  I was trying to decide if I could keep up with the blogging for the entire month of April this year and I’m still not sure, but what the heck, right?  It’s not like I get fined if I miss a day!

I’m going to go with Me & JP, Conversations with a Preschooler, as my theme this year.  He has provided me with a wealth of information over the years we’ve been babysitting him and now that he’s close to becoming a kindergartener, I may have to abandon this topic after a year or so.

I hope you’ll find the stories as enjoyable as we do.  Most days they’ll be pretty short so it won’t be a big commitment to follow!

Blogging A to Z Theme Reveal…

Today is the day we announce that we’re going to participate in the month long A to Z Challenge in April and what our theme will be.  I’m planning a very short fiction piece each day, say 50 or 100 words, with a subject matter beginning with the appropriate letter.

Hopefully April 30 will not have to be about zebras, but it’s still too early to tell! 🙂  And, of course, I reserve the right to dredge up an old piece and rework it if time becomes short.

If you’re interested, I hope you’ll check out the Blogging A to Z site and think about participating.  Last year was a little nerve wracking, but a lot of fun!