Tag Archives: Me&JP

Me & JP, Conversations with an 8-year-old…

JP is my youngest grandson and I’ve been lucky enough to spend a lot of time with him all of his life. His Nana L and I took turns babysitting him from the time his mom went back to work.

Later, JP and his mom and dad and bulldog, Tank, lived with us while their house was being built.

Youngest and I lived with them for a year after selling our house and before we were ready to buy the house we’re in now. I try to pick him up once a week after summer camp so we can spend time together and we still have great conversations. He’s so smart and funny!

Me: Please don’t eat your broccoli with your fingers! You have a knife and fork.

JP : I always eat broccoli with my hands at home.

Me: I bet you don’t! Mom and dad wouldn’t let you. And I guess I can’t take you to a restaurant anymore if you do that.

JP: Nana, yes you can. I just won’t order broccoli!

Me & JP, I is for Introduce…

JP is our youngest grandson who turned five in September. He and his mom and dad IMG_1765lived with us while they were building their house a year ago. Though they’ve moved into their new house now, we still get to pick him up from preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays and spend the afternoon with him. Next year he’ll be in kindergarten all day. He’s so full of fun and remarkably wise for his years!

For Blogging A to Z, I’ll be sharing some of our many conversations over the last few years.  I hope you enjoy.

JP:  Nana, grandsons can’t marry their grandmas, right?

Me:  No, honey.  But you wouldn’t want to anyway.  Your grandmas are a lot older than you.  And we’re already married to your papas.

Someday you’ll meet a nice girl and want to get married.  And when you do, I hope you’ll bring her to my house and introduce her.  You can say, “Nana, this is my girlfriend and we’re getting married.”  And I’ll be so happy for you!

JP:  I should probably say Diane, cause not everybody calls you Nana, right?

(That’s my boy, always thinking, LOL)

Me & JP, H is for Ham…

JP is our youngest grandson who turned five in September. He and his mom and dad IMG_1765lived with us while they were building their house a year ago. Though they’ve moved into their new house now, we still get to pick him up from preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays and spend the afternoon with him. Next year he’ll be in kindergarten all day. He’s so full of fun and remarkably wise for his years!

For Blogging A to Z, I’ll be sharing some of our many conversations over the last few years.  I hope you enjoy.

Me:  I’m going to make ham for dinner on Easter.  You like ham, right?

JP:  Yes.  I like ham that comes from cows.

Me:  Well, honey, that would be beef.

JP:  Okay, I like that.


Me & JP, G is for Good Friends…

JP is our youngest grandson who turned five in September. He and his mom a40EE7779-B764-4A35-9D07-CC81CD3BC40Cnd dad lived with us while they were building their house a year ago. Though they’ve moved into their new house now, we still get to pick him up from preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays and spend the afternoon with him. Next year he’ll be in kindergarten all day. He’s so full of fun and remarkably wise for his years!

For Blogging A to Z, I’ll be sharing some of our many conversations over the last few years.  I hope you enjoy.

Today is a “Guest Post” from my darling daughter-in-law, JP’s mom, that she shared with me recently.  Everyone in the family knows that anything that happens in their lives is fair game for the blog!

Mom:  You really like Ms. Nicole and Mr. Bob, don’t you?

JP:  Ms. Nicole is pretty.

Mom:  She’s very pretty.

JP:  She and Mr. Bob are just good friends, right?

Mom:  Well, no, Ms. Nicole and Mr. Bob are married to each other.

JP:  Oh.  


(Sorry, no, I don’t have a picture of Ms. Nicole…)

Me & JP, F is for Fish…

JP is our youngest grandson who turned five in September. He and his mom a40EE7779-B764-4A35-9D07-CC81CD3BC40Cnd dad lived with us while they were building their house a year ago. Though they’ve moved into their new house now, we still get to pick him up from preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays and spend the afternoon with him. Next year he’ll be in kindergarten all day. He’s so full of fun and remarkably wise for his years!

For Blogging A to Z, I’ll be sharing some of our many conversations over the last few years.  I hope you enjoy.

JP loves going to Bass Pro, a hunting, fishing, sporting goods type store chain in the U.S., 20160223_123029to ride up and down in the glass elevator and to visit the huge bear statue that is fascinatingly anatomically correct.  He also likes all the fish.  There’s a big freshwater tank of dull brown and gray lake and river fish, a huge tank of tropical fish by the restaurant and fish forms stamped on the walkways to the parking lot.  This was our conversation on the way to the car:

Me:  There’s our car.  We need to walk where the fish are on the street.  That’s called the cross walk.  Do you see the fish?

JP:  Nana, say, “Justin, do you see the fish on the street?”

Me:  Okay.   (Playing along.)   Justin, do you see the fish on the street?

JP:  Settle down, Nana.  I see the fish.

Me:  What?

Playing straight man for a pre-schooler..