Tag Archives: sex

The Reunion…


I posted a version of this last year on a different blog.  I’ve toned it down a little for here, but it’s still going to be sexy.  So, if that’s a problem for you, just cover your eyes while you read.  😉 Hopefully the start of another short story/longer story, whatever it turns out to be, I guess…

“Jen called me earlier this morning,” I say to my sweet, sexy hubby. “I told her about my anniversary surprise for you at the hotel and she’s thinking of doing something similar, only with a perfect stranger.  She says she might even pose as a hooker.  I shouldn’t have told her.  I’ve created a monster.”  Hubby, who happens to be a police detective, is just pouring coffee, pajama pants riding low on his hips and no shirt.  I have an almost overwhelming desire to lick his back, right between his shoulder blades.  But just as I’m about to pounce, he turns to me, coffee in hand and I’ve lost my chance unless I want hot coffee accidentally splashed on my boobies.  And I don’t, I really don’t…
“Baby, please don’t tell me stuff like that,” he winces.  “Now I’ll have to think about arresting your best friend for solicitation or something.”  I see the humor in those slate blue eyes but something deep down tells me he’s not really kidding.  Mr. True Blue would do it if he had to, and that’s why I really, really love him.  Or maybe it’s his perfectly gorgeous butt and that chest and the way he wraps himself around me before, during and after we make love.  Or how when it’s just sex cause we’re tired or one of us is annoyed about something  (okay, maybe it’s me) and he slowly opens my nightgown and pays homage to my breasts, first circling gently with his finger and then teasingly pinching and pulling and sucking until I’m begging and then just pushes into me and, ah, it’s like yes, that’s what we need to get back to normal.  Mmmm —
But I digress.  My best friend, Jen, who got divorced a few years ago, has decided when she goes home for her 20th high school reunion she’ll pick up a guy she barely knows and spend the night with him.  Well, okay, yes, maybe we did that back when we were in college but now it seems, I don’t know, horribly scary, maybe?!  There’s all these diseases out there, not to mention the fact that he just might be a psycho slasher/serial killer or even just a nasty businessman cheating on his wife.  I mean, just because he doesn’t have a wedding ring on…
I decide to call Jen back and ask her to meet me for lunch today.  The kiddos are in school and we can spend her lunch hour talking about why it’s not a good idea for her to do something crazy like this.  I call her and we agree to meet at this new little French bistro-type place that opened up recently by her office.  I know we’re going to order salads anyway, so no sense going somewhere like Cheesecake Factory and being tempted, right?

Yay, Yay it’s Saturday…



Woo, hoo, feeling a little sassy cause I made it through my first chemo treatment, so far, so good.  One down, three to go!  Thanks to you all for your love and support…

Meme from Facebook, attitude is all my own 😉

Virtual Lover…


You can find other pages of Virtual Lover here and here.

She stood at the stove carefully sauteing minced garlic in olive oil till the garlic was golden, adding finely chopped onions, cans of tomatoes, a dab of tomato paste, salt, pepper, oregano and basil, deeply inhaling the fragrance of homemade marinara sauce.  After all, nothing was better than filling the kitchen with smells of cooking to fill his head with thoughts of love…

She stirred and tasted once more, then slid the pot lid on, turned the heat to low and set the timer to allow her sauce to simmer undisturbed while she ran upstairs to shower and and change.  She luxuriated in the feel of shampoo and conditioner, soaping on body wash to shave her legs smooth.

He’d been out of town on business and she’d missed his fun-filled ocean blue eyes, his warm smiles and most of all his warm body spooned against hers at night.  She knew he’d missed her, too, from all the texts and phone calls where they had exchanged loving, then suggestive and then increasingly x-rated ideas as their time apart grew longer.  But tonight he’d be home and she’d planned a cozy evening for two with scrumptious pasta and wine.

Pulling on a long silky top over leggings, she went back to the kitchen to check the sauce, adding pancetta, vodka and heavy cream and stirring penne noodles into the rapidly boiling salted water. Quickly draining the noodles when they were al dente, she added them to the sauce for her delectable Vodka Sauce alla Pasta, just as she felt his arms slide around her waist and turn her toward him.

Deep, dark eyes met blue eyes smoky with desire as the wonderful smells of dinner engulfed them and his lips captured hers in a kiss that spoke of longing and promises yet unfulfilled.  Kisses became more demanding, clothes were deemed unnecessary and the kitchen table was put to new purpose.  Wine and pasta would wait until later…

She typed the last line with satisfaction, then jumped up as she realized her pasta was boiling over in the pot, hissing as water splashed into the flames.

Virtual Lover (cont.)


You can find the first part of Virtual Lover here.

They slept the sated sleep of lovers exhausted, entwined in each other.  Even as one stretched and turned, the other moved, drawn like a magnet.  The dance repeated until early morning light crept into the room and bright blue smiled into velvety brown.  They reached for each other again and soft moans and hums of pleasure filled the early morning air.

Then once again exhaustion overtook and they slept until the tantalizing aroma of freshly brewed coffee crept through the house and once again icy blue smiled into warm brown. She closed her eyes briefly, planning just to relax another moment.

Then she felt the touch of butterfly wings above her right eye as he placed her coffee with just the right touch of cream on the night table and slowly and gently began kissing her awake…

She leaned back in her chair, savoring the warmth and richness of her cup of coffee and the scene she had just written.

Why You Should Talk Dirty

Whew, is it hot in here or is it just you??  Some spicy suggestions from erotica author Ava Sterling just in time to liven things up for Valentine’s Day!   Probably more for you young ones.  We’re at that age where I’d hate to have to repeat something I said cause hubby didn’t catch it the first time 🙂  But check out Ava’s  sexy blog for some, er, interesting reads…