Monday Musings and Medications…


It’s nearly a week after my surgery and I’m starting to feel a little more like myself today.  I had some problems so the docs stopped my blood thinners (pills and shots) Saturday thinking I might be developing a hematoma.  Let me tell you, I was afraid my brand new boob was going to end up pretty close to my collarbone!  So along with the changes in my meds, my chest was wrapped with a wide elastic bandage to put additional pressure over the lovely post-surgical bra and I’ve been sleeping (or not) semi-upright in a recliner.  And I am to continue walking around to lessen chance of developing a clot.  Some of us are just more work, apparently…

And yesterday hubby washed my hair for me while I sat in a chair by the kitchen sink.  It was heavenly!  I had tried dry shampoo and it helped, but it wasn’t the same as having totally clean hair.  Not being able to do things for yourself makes you very grateful for the little niceties.

Family and friends have dropped off delicious meals for us so we’re all well fed and I’m fixing my own coffee now as long as I lift and carry with my left arm.

I have a sponge like device over the wound, some type of wound vac that draws fluids away from the wound through tubes that go into an electronic box about the size of a small tv remote pinned to my left side.  Usually it’s silent but every once in awhile it sounds like a cat.  Always makes me smile when my pet device purrs…

And some really good news, the pathology report came back Stage 1a.  By older standards, there would be no further treatment, but waiting to get results of genome test to see if chemo will be recommended.  Another few weeks or so on those results.  It’s a genetic test that can predict how the cancer will behave as far as reoccurring or not.  Indications are that my cancer will be well behaved and not need further treatment.  I ask you, would the Ladies have any other kind?

My mind is still foggy and I don’t think I can take anymore pain meds as they are messing with my dreams…though some might make good stories down the road if I remember them!  Hopefully back to writing more soon.

103 responses

  1. so good to get an update, WELL FUCKING DONE, huge hugs, sending love across the ocean…

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    1. Thanks, V, my blood has to be such a diva, hopefully they can start me back by Wednesday, big hugs back at you! ❤

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      1. N.B. write down your dreams.
        N.N.B. when you have healed, show us your boobs!!!

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  2. So glad to hear you’re on the mend…. 😉

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    1. Thanks, Michelle! You’re good, right?

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      1. You’re welcome and yes…. still am…. 😉


  3. Yes! Well-behaved is what we’re hoping for. Hang in there. Hugs. ❤

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  4. Keep on the getting better track (though if you can continue to swing someone else washing your hair, I would do what I could to keep that going as long as possible!).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know, right? I could tell he was so out of his element, haha!

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  5. So glad to hear all this. Those wound vacs are wild, the noises they make. I see numerous pt’s with those. It doesn’t make doing therapy very easy. And usually they have a catheter and an IV pole to boot. Are your docs worried about lymphedema at all?

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    1. Always a concern they said, never sticks or blood pressure on right side, wear gardening gloves, elastic sleeve for flying. But only two nodes removed so that helps some I guess. Fingers crossed!

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      1. It does. The fewer removed the better. That’s good news too. Now go get some rest!!! 😃

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      2. I will, promise. Bored already, doing nothing!

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      3. I hear ya. Cabin fever officially setting in? 😃

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      4. Omg and its pretty out. But no official complaining yet! Typing is it or reading and either is slow

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      5. I hear ya. Hang in there. You’ll be back at it soon enough. 😊

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      6. I know, trying to be a patient patient😁

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      7. Hahaha! Easier said than done. 😃

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  6. It’s wonderful to read that you’re recovering nicely, Dee. It’ll be a short time before you’re doing all of those lovely things, like laundry and dishes. 🙂


    1. Hahaha, might be months yet!

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  7. I’m so glad to get this update and hear things are going okay, all things considered. Keep on keeping on. Hugs. And remember: doctor’s orders, no chores for months. 🙂

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    1. Thanks, Laura! Have to have that diva blood, but hoping cancer is well behaved!

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  8. Good news, Diane! Hope the genome test is cooperative! My goodness me, what an ordeal. Lovely to see you’ve kept your sense of humor through it all! Love and hugs! xoxoxoxo

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    1. It’s that diva blood I have. What a pain 🙂

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      1. And the truck on my chest😊

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      2. Oh geez! Lots of pressure, huh? Hope that goes away soon. I imagine staying more vertical would help with that? Keep the fluid from gathering at the spot, etc.

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      3. Yes, I guess it’s a hematoma but they’d rather it drain without another incision so have ace bandage and ice on boobs, my white elastic hospital stockings, the big compression bra. Halloween has come early to my house! 🙄 may start injections on Wednesday up to plastic surgeon. Hoping it will be a distant memory soon 🙂

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      4. Oh my word! I hope so too! Ice on boobs, just when the weather turns cold, too. Lordy!


      5. I am not a pretty patient, hahaha

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      6. Hahaha! You are allowed to be whatever kind of patient you want, Dee! Just as long as you heal up well and quickly! Xoxoxxo

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      7. It’s true, I’m trying to be a patient patient! Thank you, xoxo back at ya

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  9. So I’ll take a line from you…Yay, Yay Mz. D is gonna be okay !!! Yay, Yay. Very cool news. Thanks for your encouraging words to me last night about my encouraging words to you. Are you still following 🙂 Looks like lunch will be sooner rather than later. Keep in touch, I’m a text msg away Mz. D…Love ya ❤ Patti

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    1. Thanks, babe!! I’ll let you know what docs say tomorrow and Wed

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  10. So happy to see your sense of humor and hear you may need to further treatment!

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      1. You’re welcome!


  11. Great news. Breast reconstruction is very painful. Go easy on yourself.

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    1. Yeah, once they move this truck off my chest I’ll be better! 😉

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  12. Glad to hear you’re healing. Hope the cancer is the opposite of you… ie well-behaved! ❤

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    1. Hahaha, once they move this truck off my chest I’ll be better!

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  13. That is the absolute best news! I am so happy for you and your family 😀 Won’t be long now and you will be up and running 😀

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    1. Sweetie, I don’t know about the running, but hopefully up and out of the house! 🙂


  14. I’m so happy to hear that your recovery is going well despite some bumps. What a good guy to wash your hair. 😊

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    1. (He was so out of his comfort zone, haha) but it felt fabulous!

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      1. awww, that’s cute. 🙂

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  15. So glad for the update, Diane, sounds like you are taking your time to heal. Love the purring remote thing ! Take care of yourself, go slowly ! ☺

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    1. Blowing kisses! Thanks, Van 🙂

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  16. So glad to hear you’re doing well and that you have clean hair. 😉
    Drug-induced dreams have been the basis of many fantasy and horror books, methinks. Here’s hoping yours lean more toward fantasy than horror!

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    1. My standards are pretty low right now! These hair is good! I’m gonna have to write them down and see as time goes on if they’re good or just stupid, haha


  17. So happy to hear despite a few bumps along the way this week that you are healing and feeling better. I’m smiling at your machine that purrs like a cat. Take good care as you continue your road to recovery. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, A. Once they move this truck off my chest I’ll be fine! 😉

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      1. OOOOOO, ouch!!! I think that deserves an extra hubby-hair washing session. 😉


  18. So sweet of you to give an update to all those in the blogging world who are thinking about you Diane 🙂 I hope things get better soon and they would lessen the drugs on you. You sure fight it like a badass girl dear and am proud and happy for you ❤ And enjoy the pampering while it lasts 😉 You will be up and about soon and the hair washing sessions might run out of chances too 😉

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    1. Thanks, Minaxi! I better take advantage while I can…

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      1. 🙂 Is there any diet restriction ? Are the sedatives to be taken only nightly or in day time as well ? I remember you in my prayers dear and wishing you faaast recovery 🙂

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      2. No, no diet restrictions, and I can take the pills whenever. They make me a little loopy though😊 thanks, dear daughter of my heart

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      3. Haha that reminds me of Phoebe’s “floopy” 😀 Loopy or not , you deserve to be all happy and healthy again soon Diane and I wish that wholeheartedly ❤ Get well soon. *hugs* and prayers from across the miles 🙂

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  19. Hoping for you that just that one thing about you will be well-behaved! Oooh, getting your hair washed… that’s wonderful. You should probably ask for that once a day… 🙂 Thinking of you… ♥

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    1. Oh, he was so out of his element, poor dear heart! Hoping he will do it at least once more or maybe, gasp, I’ll be able to take a shower soon *swooning* yes, if the cancer is well behaved, I’d be way more than good!

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      1. It’s so sweet that he did that for you… that he was out of his element doing it means he really loves you and wants to help. It’s very sweet! ♥

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      2. You’re right! I can be a little mean, too, when I don’t get my way 😉

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  20. Good news indeed…all the best on a speedy recovery!

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  21. Sending you best wishes for a speedy recovery…and more hair washing from hubbs.

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    1. Thanks! He was a big sweetie to do it!

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  22. SO high maintenance! Go go, Gadget Diane! 😍😘😜

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    1. Hahaha, with diva blood that’s acting up

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  23. So glad you’re healing nicely. Much love to you, sis❤️

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    1. Thanks, love. Surgeon tomorrow, plastics on Wed, hopefully they can start my diva blood back on thinners soon, lol.

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      1. Lol. Yes, ma’am


  24. Dee, this doesn’t sound very smooth nor easy. I was hoping for less complications for you.
    The machine the size if TV remote control “purring” and your kitty photo helped me not to have a churning tummy. Seriously, your post-op stuff sounds challenging!
    I admire your good spirit and smiled at your sweet hubby washing your hair. Hugs and prayers continue until this friend of mine~ You are totally in the pink. 🙂 xoxo


  25. hang in there it gets better and you had very good news. hope no other treatment is needed. When I had mine done I had 6 tubes coming out of me that had to be stripped and drained every 3 or 4 hrs. had to measure how much fluid came out of each. yours kind of sounds like a wound vac of some sort. Hope you will feel better soon.

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  26. The most important thing is your good news. That is awesome! I am praying for the best on your genome test.
    Negative: I really think they send patients home too soon–especially after a mastectomy. The bottom line is always the insurance companies and money. Grr! You are a champion!
    Positive: I remember an angel disguised as a night nurse coming into my room about a week after admission to the hospital which resulted in surgery. I was still attached to several devices and had no idea I could get my hair washed. The angel basically said, “Piece of cake.” When I readily agreed to the shampoo, she went right to work. I had never seen her before and never did again, but I will never forget her! Three cheers for your angel (husband).

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    1. I agree it was a little soon for discharge. Luckily my home is accommodating and I have lots of support, but not everyone does. That nurse was awesome!!

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  27. I pray the worst is behind you! I’m happy to read about such a loving husband and supportive friends. Get well!


  28. Glad you are being pampered by the hubby. 🙂
    Wishing you a quick recovery!


  29. Forgot to mention that I love the picture of the cat!


  30. So glad to hear that you’re healing well Diane. One day at a time hey? Enjoy the pampering and the hair washing. That sounds heavenly I must admit! 🙂 Hugs to you. xo


  31. Great to hear things are sounding so positive! It’s nice that everyone around you is doing what they can to help too. 🙂

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  32. So glad to hear all of that good news! xoxoxo

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  33. I hope and pray you make a speedy recovery my dear Diane… It is so heartening to see that you find positivity and humor in every situation. Those shampoo pampering sessions better continue unabated 😛 Praying for you… God bless 🙂


  34. I’ve been thinking so much about you and this post made me smile. You are getting back on track. I’m glad you are feeling better and hope that each new day brings you much joy. Clare

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    1. Thanks, minor setback tomorrow to remove hematoma that formed and then maybe onto the fast track of healing! (Autocorrect changed hematoma to gemstone, lol. I wish!!)

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      1. And where did that come from? hematoma to gemstone? I once answered a comment from a now favorite blogger and typed his name at the start of the comment. Spell- check changed it from Hariod to Hairdo andI didn’t catch it! Much to the amusement of some of his other followers. I am more careful, now, so as not to open my dear blogger friends to the mirth of others.

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      2. I know, happens to me all the time!

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      3. Diane, I hope all goes well and this is just a very minor issue in your healing process. Clare


  35. You are a brave, strong, loved, and loving woman. I’m sending prayers of healing for you. HEAL quickly! xo

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    1. Thank you, Pam. Appreciate the good thoughts xo


  36. A @ moylomenterprises | Reply

    Glad you’re recovery well. The thought of being cut open is so not appealing to me but with all these medical breakthroughs it’s wonderful to know there are lifesaving options and the knife isn’t that bad after all.

    I’m facing the possibility of surgery myself but as a last resort. Many tests scheduled this month to explore my options.

    Glad you are in good medical hands and in God’s hands too. Best wishes and big hugs 🌷

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, thank you, and to you, too. In my case there were lots of choices, but either lumpectomy or mastectomy so yeah, I was nervous, but just one of those things. Lots of breakthoughs going on in medicine, that’s for sure. All the best to you, too!

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      1. A @ moylomenterprises

        Thank you. ☺ 🌷


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