Alice Down the Rabbit Hole


Things changed all too quickly
For everyone’s taste
And days making plans
Suddenly all went to waste

They said, “Go find a rabbit,
A cat and a queen of a woman with heart,”
There’s so much to do before
The ending can start

Life as she knows it is taking a break
But Alice is cool
As she gathers her team, and her people
have people and they all have some pull

She mustn’t be late for the all-important date
With the man in the hat who will keep her intact
And the cat and the rabbit and the woman with heart
Will all have their roles when it comes time to act

Then someone will serve tea through an IV
Or another such thing
And they’re sure she’ll be happy
If it has just a little more zing

So slowly she’s falling, no, there’s no net,
Deeper down the hole, rarely shedding a tear
Because all Alice really wants
Is to make herself clear


Hi, my name is Alice…

Photo credit:  Pixabay

88 responses

  1. Oh my, I am so sorry to read this. Sending you healing energy.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks, Bernie! So far, so good, lots of consults, an mri, genetic testing and surgery within a month…

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I will pray that you are given strength and a good outcome.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. You are going to get “clear”. You are such an amazing woman. It’s scary, and it is a rabbit hole. I hope your team is amazing! Keep your nutrition up, and you will come thru strong. Your strong focus, and great attitude is key. God Bless you.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Wendy, having all these consults, an mri, genetic testing, surgery within a month, so more questions right now! But I’ll get there. 🙂

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  3. Sending love and healing energy, Diane!! 💜

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  4. I’m not sure what’s going on, but our thoughts are with you. Hope all comes out well.

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    1. Aww, thanks, I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, so starting rounds of consults, mri, genetic testing and surgery within a month, what type depends on the results of the tests…

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      1. Oh Diane, I’m so, so sorry to hear this. I know the unknown is awful, I watched my wife and her best friend play that waiting game. It sucks. You can do this though. Sending good vibes your way. 😊

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      2. Thank you, T, appreciate all the good vibes. I didn’t know your wife had gone through it, I’m finding out about so many people, which is encouraging. Yeah, the waiting is tough…

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      3. In her case, it turned out to be nothing. But for a few weeks, we were very concerned. Her friend’s was cancer. She’s 6 years cancer free now though. The unknown was the worst. Hang in there. We’ll be thinking about you. 😊

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi sweetie. You are so brave! Not only to go through this with your “face paint on” but to put it out there for everyone to read. Bet that’s a bit scary in itself.

    Here’s what I LOVE about that: YOU are helping to give others in similar circumstances a voice. And. even though I haven’t been in your shoes, you are teaching me about love, faith, and resilience by facing something like this head on!

    Hugs, Alice!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Jess! I hope it’s helpful to some and not just TMI 🙂 you know, my mom had breast cancer later in life and her name was Alyce! Hence the genetic testing…

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      1. No, I did not know that!!! I wondered why you were having genetic testing! Just curious how that will help. Will it help with treatment options?

        I’ve never seen Alyce with a Y. What beautiful spelling. If she had breast cancer, no wonder you’ve been a bit uneasy waiting these past couple

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      2. weeks. Oops hit send too soon. 🙂

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      3. Yes, and I think it’s somewhat a part of the standard of care now. If it turns out I had the BRCA gene, I would have a double mastectomy and my ovaries removed. So they want to rule that out before we proceed.

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      4. Oh, I see. 🙂 I didn’t realize it was part of the standard of care. Fingers all crossed here!

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      5. I’m lucky to live in the suburbs of Chicago and have access to such great medical care. Plus I think there are lots of advances in treatment lately 🙂 xoxo

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      6. That’s great news. Where we live it’s not so advanced. In any area of health care. A friend of ours decided to get a 2nd opinion and went to Houston and that decision saved his leg from being taken off… Glad you’re getting great care.

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      7. Me, too. Just one more thing to be grateful for, right? xoxo

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      8. They’re on top of it! Bet you’ll do great! 🙂

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  6. Such an apt metaphor. An excellent poem, Diane. Wishing for the very best possible outcome here. Love to you and to your man, who I am sure is worrying right along with you. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, yeah, he’s doing good considering! Start my apps tomorrow so should have more answers in 2 weeks or so. 😚

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      1. I hope the weeks go quickly. The waiting is so hard. Love to you!

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      2. Thanks, Meg. Love ya, sis xo

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  7. Sending you lots of love and prayers, as well as admiration for finding such a creative way to express what you’re going through. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Christi, it’s helping me get through the waiting to begin period! I appreciate all the love and prayers xo

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  8. Love the poem. You still got it girl and you know how to really nail it in words. Go out an buy yourself a beautiful journal and a pen. It’s something I do whenever I need a pick me up. You know I’m here and I’m close so anything, and I do mean A N Y T H IN G you might need call me…Live you, Mz. D ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Love you, too, Patty! Thanks for your encouragement and I appreciate the offer. I will definitely ask if I need something. So great to have wonderful friends!

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  9. Don’t you just hate auto-correct. Love you, Mz. D ❤


  10. Oh, Dee. Sending my love, hugs and prayers to you, my friend. All will be fine, but I know that the waiting game sucks..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep! But I’m lucky to have access to some really good medical care and all the advances in the field that have come about. Thanks, Rob, for the sweet thoughts ❤

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  11. VictoryInTrouble | Reply

    Sending you hugs and good thoughts, Diane! The poem was awesome!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Vic. I have lots of consults to do, genetic testing, oncology, plastic surgery, etc. so they have a good idea of what we’re dealing with. My mom had breast cancer later in life, so don’t know if there’s a connection or not. But feeling good about all the wonderful support and medical care I have access to. And I want to keep writing other stuff, to, just to fill my mind with good thoughts xo

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      1. VictoryInTrouble

        Yes, keep writing! I think that’s important. You have a huge support group here too. ❤️❤️

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you, doll. I’m so grateful to friends for all their support. And I’m finding out how many people are going through or have gone through something similar!

        Liked by 1 person

  12. I’m hugging you tighter than ever before. Love, prayers and total hope flowing from me to you, my sister. Love you so, Rita

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, my love. Just want to get this show on the road, but there’s a lot of preparation they need to do to make sure we make the best choices. Waiting is not my thing, I’m finding, lol. 🙂

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      1. I don’t know anyone who finds waiting to be their thing-LOL. Just YOU know that we all are loving, praying and believing for health with you ❤ ❤ ❤

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  13. The rabbit hole is scary, the unknown frightening. But you have so many friends holding you up, helping can you keep the faith, believing in your ability to heal. We are all rooting for you. Stay strong! With love. 💜

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, it’s true, I have great friends and family support, access to wonderful medical care and the strides that have been made in the field of treating breast cancer in recent years. Every reason to be hopeful! 🙂

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  14. Sending lots of healing hugs, my dear friend!! I know you’ll come through this with flying colors!! Much love ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, D! I’m really hopeful for a good result!

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      1. You’re in my prayers! ❤

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  15. All my hugs and love go out to you. Always have faith that things will go well.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Drew, I appreciate that so much. Your hugs and love mean a lot to me ❤

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  16. What a valiant and adventurous poem at such a tough moment. It’s deeply authentic, not one I’ll forget in a hurry either. I’m joining your throng of well-wishers. I understand you’re on the cancer wagon for the immediate future, with all its tensions and fears. And that you are optimally equipped for the battle!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Rachel, I appreciate all the kind thoughts! I’m really hopeful that things will go well 🙂

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  17. This is not good news.
    I am sending you so much love and strength, healing thoughts and good wishes.
    Smiles and laughter and if I could be there to rub your shoulders I would.
    Also, somehow, I know you will be just fine.
    And, keep blogging, if you want to, I am sure this is a journey that many will share and get strength too, from you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, my friend, the good wishes mean the world to me! My first thoughts have been about how this will work on my blog 😉 once a writer, always a writer, I guess…


      1. I think you write whatever you want, there are no rules, no themes, nothing that you have to stick by. when you want and whatever you want. and we’ll all be here to love you…

        Liked by 1 person

  18. Hello – I’ve just found your blog through Niki’s Meet and Greet – sorry to hear you’re going through a bad time – I look forward to following along to get to know you .
    Best wishes to you
    Fil’s Place – Old songs and Memories

    Liked by 1 person

  19. I am so sorry you’re going through this, but I know you are a strong, amazing woman. I know you’ll be out of the rabbit hole… and then we’ll have a tea party with something that isn’t tea. And with cake. You’ve got to have a cake. And your poem is absolutely beautifully written. Many hugs and much love. xo ♥♥♥

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Thats one of my very favorite statues! Reading the poem I feel like I’m falling with you – it’s that good. I’m there in prayer and in spirit, Diane. ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤


  21. Love and prayers for you, Diane… everything will be alright… ❤ ❤

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    1. Thanks, Mani, I think it will, too!

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  22. So sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Best wishes to you. I’m glad to hear that you are getting such good care.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, yeah, very lucky to have great medical treatment available and lots of support!

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      1. That’s wonderful. Wishing you the best.


  23. Sending you love and wishing you all the best in the days ahead. I find it amazing that you can write something that is both sad and playful about your current situation.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh, thank you for your good wishes. I’m finding that writing about it is helping me stay calmer than if I kept it all inside. I’m just an oversharer 🙂

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      1. Do whatever you need to do for your well-being. 🙂 You have lots of readers who appreciate your writing. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  24. Diane, my immediate reaction was a little sad, since I had prayed the biopsy would show irregularity but not cancer. I will hold you in my prayers and heart. ❤ Big, warm and encouraging hugs sent with laughter, since I saw your comment about boob size. 😀 xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Robin, I know, the radiologist was surprised, too. But it’s pretty small, just a lot of consults and testing first. I just have to keep writing or I’ll drive myself crazy 🙂

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      1. Yes, writing is helpful for other’s as well as your “therapy!” Hugs, Robin xo

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  25. I’ve just finished writing a comment about your wonderfully positive approach to your treatment. Now I realise it’s actually started and the various tests must seem endless. To be facing surgery in a month must seem totally scary, but the fact that you can write such an amazing poem about it shows how you are facing it all head-on. Like so many others, I can only send you lots of love and best wishes at this time. You have a wonderful medical team on your side, so put your trust in them. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Millie! I’m doing fine right now, but have only begun what’s turning into a rather big production. I had no idea. But, yes, there’s lots I have to be thankful for living in an area with wonderful medical care. And I have a great support system of family and friends, including everyone online who’s been so, so kind already! xoxo


      1. I’m ending ‘get well soon’ vibes and very best wishes across the Atlantic Ocean…

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      2. I’ll be happy to take them! xo


  26. Diane my dear friend, you are going to be alright. I felt sad reading this and you’ve been on my mind. I am praying for you in my heart, wishing you wellness.

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    1. Thanks, sweetie. I believe it is going well so far and once I get through all the consults and surgery is scheduled and then over, it will be easier to deal with whatever comes my way. xo

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  27. Sorry to hear, Sis. Wow, that’s a blow. You’ll get through this but the “through” part is tough. Sending good vibes your way.

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  28. huge hugs and so much love I hope you can feel it xxxxxxx


  29. beautiful sculpture, poem and lovely words!

    Liked by 1 person

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