Tag Archives: Neulasta

TMI Thursday, a Ton of Bricks…


I might have been too quick to say how good I was feeling on Saturday, yep, just a little too cocky.   Sunday brought some side effects hit me like a ton of bricks.

Nausea, not too bad, took a pill for that a couple of times. Aches, pains, changes in your  digestion; suffice it to say, nothing good…

The worst came from an injection of Neulasta I had on Saturday. The process is cool, I’ve seen commercials in the States for it. After chemo, the nurse attaches a tiny plastic container to the back of your upper arm. You feel a little twinge as a needle-like catheter goes in. Exactly 27 hours later it dispenses medication which ramps up the production of white blood cells in your bone marrow to fight infections.

I can’t quite describe what that feels like, but within a day I had such severe pain in my legs and back that I had to go back on prescription pain medication for three days.  There’s enough anecdotal advice to recommend taking Claritin, but maybe I didn’t take it soon enough.  I’ll get another chance because they do this every time I get chemo.

Hoping to feel more like myself soon so I can try to write and comment again.  And I hate writing posts like this.  I really do appreciate your sympathy and good wishes, but I’d rather write upbeat things.  So in the future if I’m absent for awhile, just assume it’s some inconvenient cancer thing and I’ll be back soon.

On the plus side, I’m down about 12 pounds and I didn’t really feel well enough to care about the election returns…

Resting Up…


I’m afraid I might have been a little cocky with that Saturday post.  Just a quick note to tell you things are okay, chemo and even more so the Neulasta injection they gave me the day after chemo to fight infection, are literally kicking my butt.  Symptoms started Sunday, better today, but what they refer to as “bone pain” was incredibly painful which meant I had to take pain meds again, which make me sleepy and constipated.  And I had to take the anti-nausea pills a couple of times.

Current side effects are fatigue, joint pain and just generally not feeling well.  Hoping I’ll be writing again soon…


Photo from Pixabay