Hint of Green, a Summery Limerick…


A summery day for a teen

Tan skin, blonde hair, the pool scene

It’s easy to forget what can happen

A simple chemical reaction

Pool water can turn your hair green 🙂

In response to Mind and Life Matters Limerick Contest, Summer. 

I always thought it was chlorine that could turn blonde hair green, but my research reveals it is actually copper in the water that is oxidized by chlorine, then binds with the protein in hair strands and turns them green.   

Diane D.

Photo from momsagainstcooties.com

72 responses

  1. Too bad it wasn’t March 17.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. There’s a thought for next year. Wait, nope, I pay too much for my highlights 🙂


  2. Could be the new trend. 🙂


  3. That’s kinda funny. 😃


  4. This happened to a friend of mine. She was mortified. I was amused lol. Good morning, Diane!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Dorinda! Oh, my, that is funny, but now that I have highlights, maybe I wouldn’t be laughing as much 😀

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      1. Ut Oh, you might want to stay above water!! 🙂


  5. Green’s kinda cool though, right?


    1. If it was a good green, maybe just streaks!

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  6. Ah science. 🤓

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    1. I know, right? I always had dark hair so I never had to worry 🙂

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      1. Me too. I looked forward to my hair getting lighter, not turning green.

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      2. Oh I forgot about that stuff! That turned my hair orange. Chlorine made me lighter. I was a science experiment one summer! I might have been 15? That’s funny.

        Liked by 3 people

      3. Yes! I remember by college just trying to get my hair back to one color, lol!

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  7. Yeah I get a little green tinge in the summer! I pretend its on purpose and I’m cool but I don’t think anyone buys it! 😀 And sun-in! I remember that stuff! Like Wendy, I always got orange hair from it, too!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. If it was a cool green, maybe. I read people use ketchup to get rid of the green, ever try that?

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      1. No kidding? I’ll have to give it a shot!

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      2. Couldn’t hurt, right? Well, maybe try just a little first, just in case you go from green to orange!

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      3. Do I have to leave it on for a while? Or sort of just rinse with it?

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      4. One article said she put ketchup on, covered with plastic wrap and let sit for 30 minutes then washed out and it worked, although it was like shower scene from Psycho!

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      5. Ahahahahaha! I can see why!

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      6. 🙂 Maybe it would count as research…

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  8. Wow. Flashbacks. :>

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    1. Blondes have to worry more!

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  9. I love my hair when I’m able to spend lots of time in the pool! I don’t know what it is but it looks amazing. No green here. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mine never has. I guess it depends on the water!

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      1. I was never blonde, of course, so that helps. 🙂

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      2. Me either, for all I tried. Now I just have my highlights that I paid dearly for and my keratin treatment that chlorine and saltwater will ruin, so no diving in for me!

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      3. Just highlights for me… and I pay dearly for them, too!

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      4. Yep, but no green tinge from the pool water?

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      5. Not that I ever noticed!

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      6. Good, maybe mine won’t get any color. Or maybe there’s no copper in your water..

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  10. This was kind of funny; I agree with the folks above. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I love your limericks! So true, so funny! Sun-In… thankfully a friend of mine tried it first, and once I saw what it did to her, no thank you, lol!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, I remember trying lemon juice, too, I think. But kind of always got a little red instead…

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      1. Ohhh, I did that too, lol!!

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  12. Seriously? I had no idea.

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    1. Never happened to me, but some blondes I know have that happen…we brunettes never had to worry!


  13. My family is made up entirely of blondes, but we never had this issue because my mom would make us immediately shower and shampoo after we swam. Which took a lot of fun out of a quick dip in the pool, let me tell you. It may be why none of us enjoy swimming much, even now! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, that does kind of take the fun out of things! Since I had the keratin treatment, they say to coat my hair with conditioner or it will be ruined in the pool. But it’s still been worth it!

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  14. Haha 😀 I did not know this 😀 Might be something to do with I dunno swimming and never had friends with blonde hair 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We brunettes generally don’t have to worry about this stuff! Now I have highlights and my Kerstin, so I’ll keep my head out of the water!

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      1. Haha 😀 So how long does this green last ? Till you shampoo ? Sounds fun and scary 😀

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      2. No, I think you have to use some special shampoo (or I heard ketchup) to neutralize the reaction!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Whaaat. Ok, that is scary than fun :\

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      4. I know. Is your hair still pink?

        Liked by 1 person

      5. heehee yes..the roots have begun to show up..So they need touching up..Pink is very high maintenance :\


  15. Wow! I had no idea this happens to people with blonde hair!
    A teen would def think the green cool and rock it! 😉

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    1. Probably, lol. Me, not so much!

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  16. Well, I won’t be getting in that pool. Not very fond of green heads. Sorry, I guess I am a little old fashion.

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    1. No, you’re not supposed to have your hair turn green, it’s a warning to blondes, LOL. You’ll be fine, I’m guessing (dark hair, right?), but Allie should be careful. I told Meg I read that you can put ketchup on your hair and let it sit and then rinse it out to nullify the chemical reaction. God knows with what I spend on my highlights, no way am I letting them turn green!!

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      1. Slight issue, though, when all those hot dogs start following you around….

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      2. The site where I saw the ketchup treatment, the woman said she wrapped her head in plastic wrap and sat outside for 30 minutes cause she couldn’t take the smell in the house!

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      3. Yeah, all black. Actually, my daughter discovered two grays near the temples. lol Oh my God Ketchup!!! I have been sick as a dog. Missed you.

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      4. Two grays, hmm? Men are so lucky, you will just look better. I will just keep going to the salon. I’m getting very high maintenance as I get older, lol! I knew you must have been ill when u aren’t writing. Hope you feel better soon coco. Missed you, too!

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      5. LOL LOL Yeah, I am going to hit the sack. Thank you. We talk mañana.

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      1. Going back to bed. Not really. Can’t shake this cold. Thanks for asking.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Aww, summer colds are tough 😦 And no kissing Allie and giving her your germs, mister! xoxo


  17. Wow I didn’t know that blond hair can turn green 😮

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  18. heartandsoul777 | Reply

    pull it up in some ponytails snap some cute barrettes in and own it! im all for funky hair colors…i mean does it damage your hair while its turning it green though? that would stink.

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    1. You know, I’m not sure. I think its just kind of a greenish tinge which might not be very pretty 🙂

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      1. heartandsoul777

        yea you might be right. maybe the ketchup trick would work?

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