TMI Thursday, The Pity Train…


You know how sometimes things just happen when you need them?  Well, I was getting ready to write an update and I came across this meme that I think was meant to send me a little message.   Wednesday’s doctor’s visit was fine, but things aren’t moving fast enough for me and I was feeling sorry for myself.  Until I saw this gentle reminder on Facebook.

The swelling after the second breast cancer surgery is not going down as fast as the plastic surgeon would like and they decided to keep the drainage tube in longer.  Not bed rest, but definitely limited activities particularly with my right arm.  And simple walking around.  So even though they could tape off the tube and I could take a backwards facing shower so water doesn’t spray hard on my chest, I still am not supposed to raise my arms up to wash my hair myself.   Boo hoo, poor me, right?

So I did the sensible thing.  Called my hairdresser to get me in next week to wash and trim and touch up my hair.  No investment in highlights or straightening treatment till I find out if I will need chemo and lose my hair, though.  Best to be sensible here 😀

We had a trip to Southern California planned for the beginning of November that doctors thought would be possible unless there were complications.  And there were.  So we will do it another time, no big deal.

The docs were able to restart my blood thinners (Lovenox and Coumadin) and I’m doing what they call bridging to get back to the right levels, so all is going well there.  So, you know, my hair doesn’t look great. Neither do my boobs right now.  I’m tired a lot and haven’t been bothering to put on mascara or other make up.  But today I’ll start.  And I will sit my impatient butt back in the recliner and rest in between gentle walking until I get the okay to exercise more while remembering how grateful I am to be at this place in my life and back on the road to health!


85 responses

  1. I guess it’s less important where you are on a particular journey, than knowing you’re at least heading the right way 🙂

    (Gentle, non-squeezy hugs xxx)

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    1. Thanks, Al, yes, and only a setback in my mind because I know everyone is different and heals at different rates

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  2. I’m sorry to hear about the drainage tube, but as long as things are going in the right direction overall (as Al said above). I love the meme. Humor can often be a great way to shake us out of a negative frame of mind. 😀

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    1. Thank you, Bun. I have to see the funny side of it! It seemed like fate when I saw it yesterday…

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  3. It’ll make that trip to California so much more enjoyable when you do go. Patience, Grasshopper!

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    1. Yes, Master, I’m trying. Never thought of myself as impatient really, but everything I want to do is off limits for awhile longer

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      1. It must be tough. Trust me, I’m not a very patient person, and I know how difficult it is to wait. All of this will pass soon and you’ll be up and about doing all of the things that you wanted to do yesterday.

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      2. Very true, Rob. I am enjoying having someone else cook 🙂

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      3. See? The glass is half full! Enjoy that meal, because before too long you’ll hear this familiar phrase coming your way: “Dee, what’s for dinner?” 😀

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      4. Yes, and I’ll enjoy it for about 3 days and then I’ll be back to my old self, haha


  4. Feeling for you Diane. But you’ll get there my friend, one day at a time. Take it easy and rest up. Love the meme by the way. xo 🙂

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    1. Someone was definitely sending me a message, Miri!

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      1. Well, I’m glad that you were listening!

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  5. Hugs! (Gentle, of course)
    Every day is a gift so take it one day at a time!


    1. Thanks, Linda, I’m really doing okay, just want it to be quicker!

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      1. I hear you! But time is the best healer!! 😘

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      2. So true, you just have to give up control and let it happen.

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      3. You do…so try to enjoy the relaxing! Get a few good books, put your feet up, take naps, watch a few chick flicks…best wishes for a full recovery! 🙂

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      4. I am. Sometimes I’m a patient patient, other times not so much 🙂

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  6. Healing is IMPORTANT work, more important than all the other things you want to do right now. Thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way!

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    1. You are right and I don’t want to push it and make things worse…

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  7. Great meme! Glad to hear things are improving, if slower than expected. You are here, you are getting better, and hey, unless the Big One hits, California will still be there when you’re ready 🙂

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    1. Yes, absolutely right, and I am pleased things are getting better!


  8. I admire you. 💖

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    1. Thanks, T. I’m trying to just stay positive!

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      1. Likewise! Mutual positivity is kinda catching on. 🙂

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      2. It’s what I love about blogging, it’s a tight knit community!

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  9. You can do it. These grinding days will soon be behind you. Great way to be proactive on the little things, like washing your hair, and maintaining your humor. “Quiture Fussin”. That was a great line.
    You might have earned the right to fuss a wee bit. No one would blame you.

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    1. Thanks, I hate myself when I’m whiny and I almost started crying over a freaking drainage tube! It’s just I was so sure in my head how good things were I set myself up for disappointment 🙂

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      1. Oh sweetie. I understand. I do the same thing.
        I’m just so impressed with how you are taking that disappointment and turning it around. This is the exersize equipment you use to get better, and can encourage others.
        You will come out on the other side. Big left side hugs to you.

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      2. Thanks, Wendy, it’s been an experience and I hope someone can use the information. It really is fascinating all the things they do nowadays…

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  10. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Relax, and enjoy being taken care of for now. Things will get back to normal in due time. 😊

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    1. I’m trying…at least the typing is easier…

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      1. Hang tough, and keep fighting like a girl. 😊

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      2. I will! I’ve got the socks to prove it!

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  11. Ah, the ever popular pity party! We’ve all had them lol. You’re healing at the pace your body wants you to. Don’t rush it. It knows better. Praying for no chemo ❤️

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    1. Yep, me, too. Hopefully that genome test number will be available before too long..

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  12. It is good to hear you are healing, even if slower than you would like. (do ANY of us ever heal as fast as we would like??)
    As for pity … just don’t confuse self-appreciation, self-awareness, and self-protection for pity. It is quite acceptable to be tender with yourself 🙂

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    1. Thanks, Marcus, those are good reminders! I do need to make sure I get what I need right now…

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  13. Sis, I’m proud of you. You keep doing what you need to do to keep the healing on track. We love you. Hug & kiss from Colorado ❤️💋

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    1. Thank you, love. Never thought I’d be getting this bored with not being able to cook or clean, hahaha! But I’m being good so I can move on soon.

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      1. Good for you. Much love, Rita

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  14. Oh I’m so sorry to hear things have been dragging a little. But on the bright side, you are getting better. Your body just needs a little more rest and time, so take the time my friend. I think we women often feel so guilty about things that are for ourselves — so you drop that, right now. Feeling few minutes of self-pity is perfectly appropriate. 🙂 Before you move on. It’s perspective. 🙂

    You know that I totally I get you about the hair. I always feel like a good hair day is going to be a good day. 🙂 But just focus on how great things will be after going to the hairdresser next week.

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    1. I know, it bugs me so much when my hair is all over my face. And if I do have chemo, I’ll be wishing it was still there, dirty or not!! But I can deal with whatever 🙂

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  15. Oh I thought you put that meme up for me. Yesterday when the husband and asked what I was doing I told him I’m having a pity party for patti (me). He told me to knock it off and once again Mz. D you have out done me. You are still my hero and yes you will get better. When I was in my car accident and couldn’t walk, I remember just sitting wondering if I would ever walk again. You learn a lot about who you are when you just sit. Healing is hard work but the body knows how too so you are just going to have to cooperate !!! I love ya, Mz. D ❤ Lunch soon ❤

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    1. Oh, love you, too! Not being in control is tough but I’m determined not to let this ruin my good mood!


      1. That’s great !!! Good things happen when you have a positive attitude. I see great things in our future ❤

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  16. Oh Dee, you really are a trooper! Expectations postponed makes the heart sick. That’s me quoting Proverbs badly. But the sentiment is accurate. But better to heal up completely and not risk complications, too. Going to the salon is a perfect idea! And I’m sure like Rob said the California trip will be all the sweeter when you do go. Sending all my love!❤️❤️❤️

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    1. Thanks, yeah. They said we’d be at this point so I assumed we would and I almost was in tears over it. Silly, I know, I think it’s cause like any illness or surgery you feel like you lose control over the situation. I’ll stay the course!


  17. Love the meme. It is hard to ignore the pity train when it pulls up to your station. When I was wheelchair bound a couple of years ago, i kept thinking “Every day has 24 hours, no more and no less. I can handle this, with God’s help, for 24 hours.” If I broke it into chunks, the time seemed to go faster since it could be marked off on the mental calendar. But do be careful about setting yourself up for disappointment. Try to wait until the doc says XX rather than assuming that he/she will. (Those words are sent to you by one who has been disappointed on multiple fronts numerous times! Sometimes it is a hard lesson to learn and apparently, in this regard, I am a s-l-o-w learner!) Prayers for you today.


  18. I loved the poster. It is a great reminder that all of us can use once in a while, but it definitely had your name written on it today! It is good to laugh at ourselves. I’m praying for healing and an extra dose of patience. There are so many negatives to be frustrated about right now, but on the positive side, you feel well enough to be frustrated by needing a shampoo and not being able to move about as much as you would like. You feel well enough to laugh at a post, go to the hairdresser and re-plan a trip. As everyone says, rest and obey the doctors. There may be ups and downs ahead, but the goal is in sight. You can do this!

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    1. So right. I guess that’s how I know I feel better, cause I’m complaining!!

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  19. My heart truly goes out to you. I know this is easier said than done, but try to imagine yourself completely healed and healthy. I’ve heard stories of people overcoming illnesses using the law of attraction. I can’t promise anything nor will I pretend to know what you’re going through or what you’ve already tried…just know that I’m sending positive vibes your way.

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    1. Thanks, Tasha, good advice. I will try the mental imagery 🙂

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  20. I’m sucking…..I mean sucking it up.

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    1. Hahaha, I know you are, what other choice is there?

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  21. I may be in the minority, but I don’t care. I disagree with the premise that there is anything wrong with complaining once in a while. No shit everyone has problems! No one’s denying that. But that doesn’t make your own problems disappear. I kind of hate the message that you need to “suck it up”… because you don’t. You can let it out all you want… all you need. 🙂 So there.

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    1. Yes, of course, and I do. But it doesn’t necessarily make me feel better after awhile. It makes me feel whiny and ungrateful and more focused on what’s wrong than what’s right with my life. So I have to move away from the pity or I’ll just be wallowing and I know from experience that won’t help me.

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      1. Yes… sometimes we need to let it out… and sometimes we need to get it off our mind completely!

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  22. This meme gave me a chuckle. Now I’ll just borrow it and keep it in my face. Dear Diane, you are a strong woman and believe me when I say this. I think you are terrific. The fact that you are writing and getting on with life as is, is a testimony to your sensible, resilient self. An occasional boo hoo is in order. Discomfort and pain are not easy to bear if truth be told. I hope the coming week will bring positive changes to the tube and all. A good idea for someone else to pamper your hair (ask for a nice, soothing scalp rub to be tossed in 😉

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    1. Thanks, Jackie. I appreciate all the lovely thoughts. Writing is about all they’ve wanted me to do and now that the pain is better, hopefully I’ll do more!

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  23. Sometimes the little things like memes we see on facebook/twitter is really helpful. Like this meme here, love the satire there. Sorry to hear about the tube but I’m glad that you are on the road to recovery.
    Lots of love and hugs to you 😘😘

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    1. Thanks, it’s a slow road and I’m needing to focus on being patient, but I will get there!

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  24. your amazing! Bug hugs sweet stuff xxx

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  25. That’s a great meme! How incredibly brave you are.. very inspiring and reminds me I have a LOT to be very grateful for.. Good for you!! xx

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    1. I think we all have lots to be grateful for! How is your DIL?


  26. 1 step forward 2 back right. keep up the fight soon it will be 2 forward and one back, then all forward. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and it is not a train.

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    1. Good to know 😉 I’m doing pretty well, how are you?


  27. This is a challenge and no need to feel bad by telling us the facts, miss. You are on the right road with good doctors and great surgery performed. Blessings may take more time but some small ones are arriving each day, I am sure. I have you on a cross country prayer chain, have since those first days before surgery. My maid of honor from my 1978 first wedding Patrice lives during hurricane season in Michigan but has her home and special prayer buddies in Mississippi. (Long Beach area.) xoxo ❤

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  28. What a hilarious meme – thanks for sharing! I’m sorry you’re not healing as quickly as you would like, and am sending positive vibes in your direction. Take care, Dee! ❤


  29. A @ moylomenterprises | Reply

    Give yourself time to heal. Too much too soon can complicate things. Hang in there. Hugs. 🌷

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, much better now, just tired…

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      1. A @ moylomenterprises

        Ok. Hang in there. Hugs 🌷


  30. Love the meme, gonna have to note this for future pity parties. If anyone has the right to one it’s certainly you with all you’ve endured through this journey. The important thing, which you already know since you have such a great sense of humor, is not to remain in the wallowing position.

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    1. Thank you, Steph. I’m sure you’ve been there, too. I refuse to let this get me down. And, to be honest, some of it just strikes me as funny 🙂

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      1. Oh yes! Were it not for humor I’d be lost. Watching you go through this with humor and grace is encouraging for all of us who are following your journey.


  31. Yeah, I’m just getting around to the early October posts I missed. Love the meme. I’m feeling ever-so-thankful for email today. Great post, Dee.


    1. Thanks, Roo, hope all is well!

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      1. We’re rocking the acclimating thing. You stay strong. ❤


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