Tag Archives: soda

Yay, Yay, it’s Saturday…

Why, oh why, didn’t I figure this out sooner??  (Time to thaw the turkey!)


Photo from Bing.com

Me & JP, Conversations with a 4 Year Old, March Madness Edition…

20160816_12453220160816_12440020160816_124417_001JP is my 4-year-old grandson. He and his mom and dad and their English bulldog lived with us while their new house was being built.  One of the best things about having them here was spending time talking with him.  It makes me hopeful for the next generation.  He is so wise and so much fun!   You can find all my Me & JP stories here.

Every year one of my brothers runs an NCAA bracket pool for the family at ESPN.  There’s a small entry fee, but honestly, it’s more about bragging rights.  I don’t usually watch college basketball and know nothing about how to pick the teams, but I rarely pass up a chance to be in a pool.  Because then I have a reason to watch the games!

So this year I asked JP if he wanted to help me pick my bracket for the pool.  After we cleared up the misconception that college men would be playing basketball games in swimming pools.  Much giggling ensued.  It’s easy to forget how literal four-year olds can be…

I read off the two teams and he told me which he liked.  I believe we took all the Virginia teams, because that’s where my sister lives and he likes to visit.  And she has a pool.  He picked the Florida teams because that’s where Daddy travels on business.

Me:  Minnesota or Middle Tennessee?

JP:  Minnesota, cause I like soda.  (Giggles.)

Me:  Butler or Winthrop?

JP:  Butler, cause I like butts, too!  (Lots of giggles.)

Me:  Duke or Florida?  (I always pick Duke.  And this year they might win it all!)

JP:  Florida.

Me:  But don’t you want Duke?  It’s our last name!

JP:  Florida.  Cause that’s where daddy goes.

So, that’s our strategy.  Can’t be worse than who I picked last year!