Tag Archives: Panic attack

Monday Musings and Roadtripping…


Some of my LWL friends and I went on our annual summer trip for a long weekend away by ourselves to shop, eat out, drink a few cocktails, maybe go swimming and stop at a Farmer’s Market for sure…

We did most all of that and it was a fun weekend, although hot as blazes in the Midwest!  I forgot my anxiety med at home and had to have my doctor fax a prescription to a pharmacy where we were so I could get through the weekend.  By the second day without having it and finally taking a pill that night, I was already beginning a complete breakdown stupid panic attack.  I will never forget my medicine again!

I have to admit that my possible pneumonia or Zika virus lingering cold and cough also contributed to shopping apathy and I was a little disappointed to only bring home some tomatoes and blueberries from the Farmer’s Market.  Luckily my friends worked overtime to keep the boutique owners afloat!