Tag Archives: Humpback whales

Monday Musings about Maui…


We just booked a short whale watching excursion for next weekend when we are in Maui and I’m so excited.  I hope to have some of my own pictures to post later and lots of stories, but I do know that humpback whales travel in the fall from the Pacific Northwest south to Maui to give birth in the relatively warmer and predatory-free waters.  This should be prime whale watching time.

I was told that since the adults are roughly the size of a school bus(!) you can see them easily from shore, but if you want to see the babies and interaction between whales, it’s really necessary to go out on a boat.  My stepdaughter and her hubby and some friends of theirs whose trip overlaps a little with ours had booked an excursion and invited us along, so we will be on the Ocean Discovery vessel that the Pacific Whale Foundation sends out a couple times a day to allow tourists like us to see and listen to the whales closer up.  Can’t wait!