Me & JP, Conversations with a 4 Year Old, March Madness Edition…

20160816_12453220160816_12440020160816_124417_001JP is my 4-year-old grandson. He and his mom and dad and their English bulldog lived with us while their new house was being built.  One of the best things about having them here was spending time talking with him.  It makes me hopeful for the next generation.  He is so wise and so much fun!   You can find all my Me & JP stories here.

Every year one of my brothers runs an NCAA bracket pool for the family at ESPN.  There’s a small entry fee, but honestly, it’s more about bragging rights.  I don’t usually watch college basketball and know nothing about how to pick the teams, but I rarely pass up a chance to be in a pool.  Because then I have a reason to watch the games!

So this year I asked JP if he wanted to help me pick my bracket for the pool.  After we cleared up the misconception that college men would be playing basketball games in swimming pools.  Much giggling ensued.  It’s easy to forget how literal four-year olds can be…

I read off the two teams and he told me which he liked.  I believe we took all the Virginia teams, because that’s where my sister lives and he likes to visit.  And she has a pool.  He picked the Florida teams because that’s where Daddy travels on business.

Me:  Minnesota or Middle Tennessee?

JP:  Minnesota, cause I like soda.  (Giggles.)

Me:  Butler or Winthrop?

JP:  Butler, cause I like butts, too!  (Lots of giggles.)

Me:  Duke or Florida?  (I always pick Duke.  And this year they might win it all!)

JP:  Florida.

Me:  But don’t you want Duke?  It’s our last name!

JP:  Florida.  Cause that’s where daddy goes.

So, that’s our strategy.  Can’t be worse than who I picked last year!

44 responses

  1. Cool! You know how fanatical I am about the tournament! i’m working on my brackets right now too. And I hosting my own bracket challenge this year, too. 😀 And I’m going to play along with Beach!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, fun, I always like doing pools even if I have no idea what I’m doing!

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      1. I did really well last year entering my Villanova bracket in a couple of public groups. It will consume me for the next couple weeks! 😀

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  2. I’ve tried to do my homework and rationalize who would win, and have always been way off. I bet JP’s picks are way more accurate than mine!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. At least we had a system, right? And you bet I’ll throw him under the bus if necessary 😀

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      1. hahaha! I find that hard to believe. 🙂

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  3. He’s precious…and surely knows what he likes. Fun post, D.

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    1. Thanks, Van. I even read the teams in different orders in case he was just picking the first one, but he was pretty consistent!

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  4. Love it! You may be on to something, letting JP pick 😉 Good luck!

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    1. At least we had a system 😀

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      1. What happens when you win? JP’s gonna tell everyone he helped you bet! hahaha

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      2. Yep, our entry name is Nana D and JP. So we’ll probably go to lunch with our winnings, somewhere like his favorite McDonald’s or Red Robin!

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      3. And hopefully he won’t tell his preschool teacher that we were gambling on basketball, haha!


  5. That’s as good a system of picking games as any! Not to poo-poo the Duke thang, but Go CARDS!!! 😃

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    1. Haha, we ended up with the gators as our number one! He insisted.

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      1. Hmmm. I don’t have much faith in any SEC teams, including sUcKs. I’m in 3 different pools and have 3 different champs. Should be exciting for casual fans…but agony for die-hards like me. 😃

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yep, see all that you said there went right over my head! I like sports, but basketball is my least fav 🙂

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      3. Oh man, that’s like blasphemy around here!!! 😃

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      4. Haha, I’m so ashamed — not!

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  6. Always fun hearing about your and JP’s chats….. 😉 Hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, he’s such a joy. Always fun to have him around…

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  7. Yes, but very importantly, where did Notre Dame end up? And my other alma mater, Northwestern? Unfortunately, neither is terribly excitingly named, so I fear we did not fare well.

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    1. He liked Northwestern at first but picked Gonzaga in the next round. He chose Princeton over ND, probably a Disney Prince/princess thing : D

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      1. Well, at least one of my teams made it to the second round!

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      2. And now both! Mighty impressive alma maters you have!

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      3. It’s very exciting to have Northwestern there for the first time (and to have games to watch in the second round). Northwestern is the family school. Off the top of my head, I can think of about 10 people in my family who have gone there (and I’m likely missing people!). Notre Dame is becoming a bigger one for my family – we’ve got a few now who went there as well!


      4. Having Northwestern in the finals has been so exciting for the Chicago area.

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  8. They are the VERY BEST conversations, aren’t they. My grandchildren, 4 and 8, are living with me for awhile and I am enjoying these conversations enormously.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aren’t they just the best? It’s time I would never give up!

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  9. Hysterically funny conversation! Kids are so much fun and it is obvious y’all have a great relationship which has to include mandatory 4 year old silliness. I do hope you are saving all of these conversations. Presenting them to him when he gets married or has his first child would be wonderful.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good idea! I try to write them down quick cause he will just say stuff that’s so cute!

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  10. Aww… he’s so cute! He likes butts. Haha! I used to do a bracket at work way back. I never knew what the hell I was doing and I never watched a single game…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love this age! Last week when I got him from preschool they were all laughing hysterically and his teacher said the kids were telling jokes and his was something about a bee in your sandwich 😀

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  11. This is such a brilliant idea, documenting your conversations with your grandson. I’m going to have to try to remember to do this with my grandson the next time he’s here because we have some fascinating discussions. I could see him liking the “butts” as well. 😆

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    1. Yes, I don’t want to forget these wonderful imaginative talks we have. I think it’s a great idea!

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    1. He’s so funny. And his picks were as good as mine would have been!

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