And Down the Rabbit Hole Again…


You might have noticed I haven’t posted much lately…or maybe you haven’t.   Anyhow, the reason I’ve been away is because I have been away — back in the hospital on Sunday, this time because I developed blood clots in my lungs.  The pain of taking a deep breath, coughing, oh, my God, yawning, was excruciating.  Luckily two and a half days on an IV of heparin have helped lessen the size of the little buggers and letting blood flow through again, so the pain is less, too.

On Monday, when I saw my hemotologist/oncologist in the hospital, she brought with the results of my genome or Oncotype testing, where they look at the genetic characteristics of your tumor and assign it a number between zero and fifty to determine whether chemotherapy would be helpful in preventing a cancer reoccurrence in the future.  Zero to 17 is considered low risk and chemo would probably not make a difference.  My number is 24.

So I’m in the intermediate range and she is recommending chemo, of course!  She and the surgeon were both very surprised, given how small the cancer was, .8 cm, and the fact that there was nothing found in the lymph nodes.  Before the use of Oncotype testing I would have been told, based on what they found, that the chance of reoccurrence was small and chemo wasn’t needed.  Surprise!

The real kicker was a text from my sister letting me know that her beautiful Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Reggie, who was 12 and a half, took a huge turn for the worse with his heart issues and they made the very difficult decision to euthanize him.  I was sorry I couldn’t be there to cry with her…

So that’s how my week has been going.  I got to come home yesterday because my echocardiogram and ultrasound of veins in my legs were good and they could stop the heparin drip.  Then to the plastic surgeon and the drain is still in.  I have to get my blood INR tested today and my hair cut so it looks good before it falls out!

I was so tired last night I couldn’t stay awake to see my Chicago Cubs beat the San Francisco Giants and win their NLDS in major league baseball.   I’m reeling from all the events and really exhausted right now so I think I’ll take just a little break from blogging.  The pain meds fog my mind and make it hard to be creative, as you might have noticed…  But I’ll be back in a few days, barring any other stupid complications…  I miss you guys!


84 responses

  1. It’s hard to push the “like” button today. I am sorry you are having such a rough time. Even as I write those words, it seems like an understatement. I’m glad you are back home; I’ve never heard anyone say, “Oh goody, I get to go to the hospital!” I was so hoping your numbers would come back low. It is tough to know if technology is a positive or a negative–where is that crystal ball when you need it? So, take some more time off blogging to take care of yourself. It doesn’t seem right that something so small could cause so many complications. I know! You are a princess–as in the “Princess and the Pea”! Maybe if you think of it that way, it won’t seem so bad. I continue to pray for you. Keep your blogging friends posted as you feel like it. Gentle hugs and many well wishes as you progress through your journey.

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    1. Linda, thank you! Yes, I keep reminding myself that they would not have recommended chemo based on surgical results and then I would have a higher rate of reoccurrence. So this is good, really

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  2. Oh Diane, I am so sorry for everything you are going through. But thank goodness you are home again and the clots have dissolved. I’m surprised at the need for chemo, too. If this is any consolation, my father-in-law had to have chemo for a serious cancer and he didn’t get sick at all. He also kept his full head of hair throughout the whole regimen. I guess it’s different for everyone. I hope that it will go easy for you too. So in the meantime, rest and recuperate, build up your immune system with good food and good friends. We will be here for you whether you visit often or just once in a while! Love you!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks, Meg. Clots are dissolving, said it will take weeks, but they are smaller so pain is less and my Coumadin should be working soon. Oncologist said I will lose my hair, don’t know if it’s particular drugs they use or what. She said the treatment should not be too harsh, four times three weeks apart starting about November. I’ll deal, no other choice, right? And I have met so many people already who are cancer survivors so I know I’m definitely not alone. Just not my best week 😦

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  3. Oh D, I’m so sorry you’ve a rough couple of days. Hope it gets better soon. On a positive note, you missed quite an ending last night! Go Cubs!! 😃👍🏻

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    1. It’s all over the news this morning. Yay, Cubs, so excited about them. The other stuff, thanks. At least clots are dissolving

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      1. Good deal. Glad you’re back home. That always helps. 😊


  4. I pray you get some much needed rest. Just be assured, we will be here when you return to blogging.


  5. Much love and support from my neck of the woods, Diane! Rest and be well. 💜

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    1. Thanks much, Kay. I appreciate it. I don’t think I can take one more bit of news this week…

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      1. I so hope you don’t or didn’t get any more! You deserve to smile and rest!💜


  6. Where’s the dislike button…. so sorry to hear about all of this. I’ll continue to pray for you recovery. xoxo

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    1. Thanks, Michelle, I just have to keep going forward. I’m just tired …

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  7. I hope you feel a bit more ‘normal’ soon. Take things slowly.

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    1. Slow seems like my only speed lately, lol! Thanks, Joan, appreciate your kind words

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    have been thinking of you
    sending love and strength, horrible news all round, so sorry.
    Sleep, nap, listen to music, drink nice tea, listen to your doctors, breathe, take it easy, think good thoughts, yell if you want to, and you will be okay!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Violet, you are a dear! I will do each and every one of those things you suggested, I promise. xoxo

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  9. Hi sweetie! I hope you feel better soon! You are a rock and a strong person and I admire your strength. I want to send you something so if you can send me your address when you feel up to it that would be appreciated! Take care and just be your gorgeous self, relax!! Love ya, Lynn

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are a force of nature yourself and I will send you an email, of course! Thanks for all the love xoxo

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      1. Thanks dear xoxo take care!

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  10. Oh Mz. D…What can I say to make you feel better ❤ Just have faith and push through all this crap. It's okay to be mad, I know I would. I'll even root for your Cubs, it might cost me my marriage but Go Cubs Go !!! I know he's probably so pissed this morning. I really did tell him, "Let them have their moment, it's their year." He snarled but who cares, he's stuck with me !!! 37 years. Oh and my dad died this past June and his bitch of a wife got him to disinherit me. So I'm pretty much in hell right now too. Not talking to any of my sister's b/c they didn't even stick up for me so whatever. They got their money and I got nothing, nada. It's really horrible, oh and the daughter she's pg again with #3 and not married. So yeah, I'm in hell… I just needed someone to talk too. If you want to talk, call or something ❤

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  11. Sending you my very best thoughts and prayers. Thanks for keeping us updated. We have noticed you weren’t here, and we miss you.
    You are so brave, and positive. This can’t be as easy as you are making it out to be. Especially when you are missing things you would rather be doing. God Bless you, and give you a remarkable recovery.

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  12. As far as losing the hair thing goes, there are so many pretty hats. It’s all about our ability to accessorize. I’ll even take you shopping if you want. We could do lunch ❤ Stay strong and remember to Fight like a Girl !!! B O O M

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  13. You post when you can post. We will all be here waiting for you. I will only be posting once or twice a week myself until my issues are corrected.

    I continue to have you in my thoughts and prayers. Wish you a speedy and healthy recovery. Be well.


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    1. Thanks, Drew, it’s just stupid complications with the blood issues mostly. I’m a little bummed about needing chemo, but what can you do?


  14. As always, you are in my thoughts and prayers. It certainly has been a week for you!! But I know you’ll be fine. Stay strong and kick that bugger to the curb. Take good care of you. Miss you but we’ll be here when you’re ready to come back ❤️❤️


  15. I didn’t want to push the like button, but just want you to know I’m wishing you the very best in your recovery 💐


  16. Thank you for sharing you journey Diane, my thoughts and prayers are with you.


  17. I’m sorry to read about the hard time you’ve been having, but it’s good that you’ve been able to return home. I’m thinking of your and hoping for your speedy recovery.


  18. VictoryInTrouble | Reply

    You will be in my thoughts, Diane. I’m glad you got to go home and I hope you can rest well. Big hugs. ❤️❤️


  19. I have such a hard time pressing “like” on a post like this. So forgive me for not liking what I read. Be better soon, you are in my thoughts.


  20. Warm and healing thoughts and support coming your way! ❤️

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  21. I am awed that you keep blogging through this. I see a large community of friends embracing you and cheering you on here. Take care.

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    1. Thanks, Rachel, my friends here are so supportive and its kind of cathartic to write and get it out there…

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  22. Oh, I’m so sorry you’ve been going through all of this. And YES of course I noticed you weren’t around! I really wish I had some wonderful thing to say to make things easier for you… All I can think of is something that might make you laugh.

    When I had my son, I had this awesome club sandwich at the hospital. Yes, hospital food! So one time when my daughter asked why we had a second kid (her), my husband said, “Because Mom wanted a club sandwich.” 🙂

    Big hugs ♥♥♥

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    1. Love the inside joke! Come to think of it, my hospital did have a pretty good fruit plate and it was included in the cost of the room. And they are really nice to me there… big hugs back! 🙂

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      1. Oh yes… “free” food. 🙂 xo

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  23. Hugs! As you know, I’ve been away for a ‘while’….Bug Hugs! D!!!! Thinking of you, even if I’m not around here as regularly as I have been……Bearing you in my prayerful thoughts! Hugs!💕💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, E, always nice to see your posts!

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  24. Hugs. Rest up. Take care. You are the Javier Baez of blogging. 😉 Because he’s my favorite Cub. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was so bummed that I couldn’t stay awake but the highlights have been wonderful!! I’m afraid I’d be more like Grampie Ross in reality but I love Baez, too. I love them all, really…

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  25. Big hugs again, Dee. I have been missing your posts… it is noticed when you aren’t around (for completely understandable, stinky reasons!) ❤


  26. I’m so sorry Diane. Keep fighting and don’t ever stop.


  27. So sorry for the reason we’ve been missing you (and absolutely , yes we miss you) and at the same time it’s somewhat comforting to know that you have a good team looking after you .
    We will keep you in our thoughts and pray that this storm will soon be over leaving you stronger and healthier than before (if that makes any sense) .
    Sending you one of my big Turtle Hugs (if you think how our arms are positioned , you’ll see these hugs don’t hurt a bit 😉 )


  28. It is indeed hard to press the like button considering… thoughts and prayers go out to you for a speedy recovery because you’ve got many more writing years ahead of you girl!! All the best…hugs xxx


  29. I did notice your absence and really hoped it was for good reasons, so sorry to hear otherwise. Take care of yourself, and thoughts and prayers are coming your way. 🤗


  30. I’m so sorry, Diane. I wish I had something clever or comforting to say, but just know you are in my thoughts.

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    1. As, Kim, thank you. I’ll get there, just stupid complications…

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  31. I miss you too. I pray that all will be fine very soon

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    1. Thank you, Joan. I’m getting better!


  32. So sorry. 😔 Prayers and hugs.


  33. Thoughts & Prayers


  34. I’m sending you my very best, Diane. Hang in there. I am amazed you are posting, but that shows the rest of us what determination is all about. Be good to YOU. Hugs. ❤

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    1. Thanks, Karen, I’m getting better every day 🙂

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  35. I’m so sorry Diane, thinking of you and sending prayers, hugs and warmest wishes to you. You’re a trooper and will be fine. Know that we’re all here for you when you’re up to blogging again xo

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  36. I pray you get well. Blessings to you God bless you. You’re a strong woman.


    1. Thank you, Morgan. I guess I am strong!

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      1. No guess you are strong. So many blessings to you


  37. Oh, honey girl. I’ve been wondering about you. It must be the season for complications. Other people I know are having a rough time after surgeries as well.

    Those crazy clots! Darn it. Hair or no hair, you are one of my most favoritist people EVER. I love you so much. Praying for you. ❤️

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    1. Thanks, Jess, I am doing better. Hopefully well enough to start chemo in the next few weeks and get it over with already. Hope things are okay with you?

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      1. Doing good here. Got some fall weather now and cold temps. Leaves are turning those brilliant reds and oranges. So pretty. Saw a sign to Chicago on our adventures last week. Thought of you! Sending love and positive thoughts your way!

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      2. Thanks, honey, getting better all the time<3

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  38. Thinking of you and sending you big love and hugs as you prepare for the next phase! You are amazing and strong. 🙏🏼💜

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  39. Horrible and wishing I could come and take all the bad stuff away!!
    Take care and I hope you get through this SOON!!
    ❤ xo

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    1. Thanks, Robin, but it’s going okay. Feeling more like myself. How are things with you?


  40. I hope things have improved a little since writing this x stay strong and take good care of yourself xx


  41. I didn’t know if I should like this post or not ‘cos I don’t like it! I just feel sad and sorry that you have to go through all this. I had hoped chemo would be out of the mix. Please stay strong Diane. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Don’t stop fighting this.

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    1. Ah, Jackie, me, too. But I’m looking at it this way. Before the test was available, they wouldn’t have recommended chemo in my situation. So this is just another weapon in the fight to prevent reoccurrence. Thanks for thinking of me ❤


  42. I like knowing you are hanging in and moving forward in the way you feel is best. I am so sorry for this challenge for you. Sending prayers and healing energy your way. Hugs and thanks for staying in touch with us. We all love you.

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    1. Thank you, Cheryl. I have to write, it helps me. And I have to connect with people here and in real life — I’m a blurter, just always say what’s on my mind. I’m so grateful for all the prayers and good wishes and love xoxo

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  43. Diane, I am so glad you are here. Sending many blessings of love and grace to you. Be kind to yourself!
    Also big hugs re: Reggie to you and your sister.
    Have a restful, good weekend. Smiles 🙂 Debbie

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    1. Thanks, Debbie. I’m so used to taking care of family and I only have boys, but I’m making an effort to take care of myself now! My poor sis is doing well and she was expecting it, but she’s been sad. I know they’ll get another dog next year tho.

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      1. So glad you are taking care of yourself. In my spiritual practice, it’s one of the key foundations of the teachings! And boy, I’m still working on it 😊 Getting better each day.

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  44. Sorry to hear that you’ve experienced blood clots in the lungs Diane, but glad the medicine took care of the issue. I never knew breast cancer was so complicated but I suppose with the advances in the medical field the additional testing they do prevents further complications. Sorry to hear about your sister’s dog as well.


  45. Best wishes for a quick and full recovery! I’m pulling for you; hang in there!

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    1. Thanks, first chemo today. So far, so good!


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