Yay, Yay it’s Saturday…


Meme is from Facebook


If I can pull this off without snickering, I might give it a try… 🙂

37 responses

  1. 😀 😀 😀 … I’m just thinking about the person on the other end!

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  2. Hahaha I have to try this. Happy Saturday

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Hahaha…good one! I have one reoccurring “Unknown” caller that I know for a fact is a certain political party, so the response seems very appropriate! 😉


  4. This is the best! Wish I could do it without laughing… But I doubt I can!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Have a Super Saturday!!!!! Hugs! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hahaha! Would love to try this!! 😀


  7. This is wonderful! I will try on my mother first.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. HAhaha, you made me laugh out loud!

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  8. I’m going to print that off and pin it up next the phone at home. Genius! Still laughing now thinking about it! 😀

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    1. It is a good one! Someone just told me she has a friend who asks the people with pamphlets who come to his door for their address so he can go to their house to talk about his religion 🙂

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      1. Nice one! Don’t we just unsolicited callers! 😀

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  9. I’m doing this. This is as good as my friend who told me to tell people who come univited to my door to pitch their religion, “Wait, a second, let me get a pencil. I want to write down your address so I can come to your door and tell you about my religion!” 😉 He says he really does this.


    1. Hahaha, I love that! I may need to try that, too! Thanks, Cindy ❤


  10. Oh I am so doing this today! I’m already in a mood so rather than actually kill someone, I can just do this! lol Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Oh my gosh! Can you imagine???? Hilarious!


    1. I know I’d laugh if I tried!

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      1. Which would really freak out the caller! Ha!


  12. I am doing that!!! I’m pretty good at playing stuff off like that, just ask my dad’s friend about the Silver Fox one New’s Eve best night ever…

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    1. I don’t think I could do it, but so many callers deserve it!


      1. oh I am, Thinking about actually doing to a friend that is an EMT, She would freak. she is so much fun to mess around with 🙂 and she never knows if I’m serious or messing around with her…

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      2. Oh, gosh, be careful, lol

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      3. She will just thrash me for a minute, then laugh 🙂 I’ve been messing with her since I was 13 years old. she calls my sister and I ” the triple C’s” because we our own type of Crazy.

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  13. Oh I’ll have to remember that!!! 🙂

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  14. Hahaha I get dodgy calls all the time. Might have to try this … 🙂

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  15. Tell me about the snickering part 😛 Whenever I try to pull a prank on someone, I give it away either by my uncontrollable bursts of giggles or by my too much of seriousness..Sigh…


  16. I really liked this one, too! I needed to laugh and won’t be long till I grab my grandkids. . . There will be laughing then! xo 💖

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