How Gauche…a Limerick


I understand it’s a gauche new fashion

To request cash on the wedding invitation

“We already have so much stuff

But money, you can never have enough

Why not just pay for our pricey vacation?”

In response to Mind and Life Matters Limerick Challenge, Wedding.


~ Diane D.                  Photo credit: Pixabay

65 responses

  1. Not sure whether I would bother to attend…unless it is family or a very close friend – but they would not do this….hopefully. 😉 Hugs!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. So tacky to ask for money 😦

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  2. I may comply, but offer my gift in the form of bags of pennies and nickels. 😀

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Pretty lame. I’ve noticed this trend too. Luckily, I’m at an age now where I’m in the wedding time-out. No friends getting married, no kids getting married, yet. It’s nice not to have any to attend at this point. 😃

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Rob from the V Pub suggested bags of coins. I like that!:)

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      1. Saw a dude on Facebook who was so pissed about his ticket that he brought in buckets of pennies to pay the fine. Walked up to the counter and dumped em right there at the window. It was awesome! 😃

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      2. The last behind the counter looked like a stunned trout. It’s was hilarious. 😃


      3. 🙂 something I could see hubby doing!

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      4. Something we’ve likely all wanted to do! 😃

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  4. That is gauche! I have yet to see that on an invitation. But I like Rob’s idea about the bag of coins! 😀

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  5. i think it is fine! I think it makes sense actually, but perhaps done discreetly…

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    1. I usually give a check, I just think it’s tacky when people ask for money on the invitation…


      1. it is, but you know, it is also honest.

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  6. Haha! It is tacky!

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    1. 🙂 I usually give a check, but I don’t think I should be expected to pay for the wedding!

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      1. Lol! Right?!?

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  7. Hopefully, that is not based on a true story. Here is mine, because that is not bizarre or unheard of. I once turned down an invitation to participate in a wedding because not only did I have to fly half way across the world at my own expense, (about three days of transfers) but I also had to find my own accommodation and arrange my own transportation and find a dress from a specific designer in a specific colour and find my own hair stylist and bring thousands of dollars worth of new gadgets that would go out of style in six months when the new upgrades came out. I thought, why not just send an Amazon gift card for the gadgets, instead of paying US$10,000 to courier them to the bride? So, I did that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, that is crazy! I’d have turned it down, too! I think people should have the wedding and honeymoon they can afford and invite people they want to share their day with, not run it like a money-making business…

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      1. You crack me up! I could almost see a Bridezilla type snapping her fingers going, “C’mon, c’mon!” and then ordering a minion to match gifts to names on a list. Thanks to my college bestie, I now don’t attend weddings. Rather, I find out what the gift requirement is and present that a few days after the wedding, with my congratulations, in person. Much more personal and makes it difficult to be herded.

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  8. Ha ha. Great limerick! 🙂 Made me chuckle!

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      1. How fun to have someone pay for a vacation! Too bad that doesn’t happen in real life!!

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      2. Not the reason I got married, LOL!

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      3. Oh my gosh. People DO that?

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      4. I thought your poem was a joke. Guess I should peek out from my rock once in a while! Ha!

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      5. No,no. It was a joke, but some truth in it, too. I have heard of some young ones doing that!

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      6. Or maybe I misunderstood . 🙂


  9. Seriously ?? Eeeks! I mean the couple gets presented with “gifts” already right? I have not heard of such a thing 😳

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hopefully it’s not too prevalent. But that’s how I feel, you invite people because you want them and they give you a gift because they want to, not ask them for something!

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      1. Yes. I totally stand with you. I am still shocked people actually do this !

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      2. Takes all kinds, I guess…

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  10. I agree, it’s very tacky 😬

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  11. Ooooooh. Not a good sign.

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    1. Rob suggested giving them bags of coins 🙂

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      1. Oh I love that!

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      2. That would be fun! I’ve never had this happen, but I heard about it from a friend who got an invitation like that. Just seems tacky to me to ask, tho I usually give money!

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      3. From what I have heard from my friends, it’s getting more common.


  12. Your Limerick highlights a modern trend that I don’t particularly like, either. Asking for money, does seem very tacky. I suppose it’s partly because so many couples live together for years and already have all the household things they need – unlike in my day, when we started putting a home together from scratch. So I suppose, money towards a honeymoon is what they want.

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    1. I think so, too, and I usually do give money for a wedding. it’s just tacky to ask!


  13. Seriously, is this really happening? Last wedding I went to was mine in 2009. I wouldn’t have the guts to write that on an invitation.

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    1. We haven’t gotten one like that but I’ve heard of them. Someone suggested giving that couple a bag of coins to count out! I usually give a check but it’s a gift, not a contribution. I think a couple should have a wedding they or their parents can afford and invite people they want to share their day with, not to finance their trip or house! Tacky — and the ladies do not approve 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well, ladies are 100% correct. TACKY. To be honest, I always considered the wedding registry stuff ballsy. How can you tell a person where to purchase your gift. Me I always purchased a card and gave them a check. The nerve of some people.


  14. Great one! And topical too, I’ve seen a few recent stories about this sort of thing (even one where the bride had a go at a guest telling them their cheque wasn’t enough, can you believe?).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, when did people become so entitled?? Thanks, the whole idea of it is so tacky!

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  15. What?? I’ll simply take a vacation and leave them to their wedding. I normally give a gift or a check and no one should expect me to pay for their raunchy honeymoon 😉

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    1. I know, someone told me he’d heard of a bride confronting a guest because their check wasn’t enough! To me, a gift is just that, whatever I choose to give!

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  16. Great limerick but eek, so wrong. I’d never do it. I went to a Greek wedding years ago where everyone pinned dollar notes on the bride when they danced with her.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That I’ve heard of, too. Always seemed weird to me 🙂

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      1. Yeah, definitely weird.


  17. Hehe…just last month we attended a wedding. Both the bride and groom were quite close to us and we asked theme beforehand whether they need anything particular as a gift. They said, “cash”… 😛

    Wonderful limerick…


  18. Do people actually ask for money? That’s weird!
    Lovely limerick, by the way!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, I have heard that has been done, yes. Pretty tacky, right?

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