White Hot Passion…Limerick



Their passion was like an explosion

Lives filled with each other’s devotion

They craved one another dearly

Devoured each other, clearly

Burning with white hot emotion


~Diane D.

In response to Mind and Life Matters Limerick Poetry Challenge, Passion.


44 responses

  1. Amazing and intense passion!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, thanks, sorry I was so late today!

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  2. Love the line “Lives filled with each other’s devotion”. Oh that so many troubled marriages would recall the depth of devotion that they had before. When our lives are, truly, filled with each other’s devotion, there is great joy for both parties.

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    1. Yes, long time married here, tell my kids it’s all about compromising and caring about the person who should be most important to you in life!


  3. A good write from the prompt. Are you feeling better about your own writing?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You know, I’m okay with my stories but I still feel like my poetry sounds juvenile sometimes. I’m good at recognizing good poetry in others, but can’t quite find that elusive quality. But I will keep trying and I’ll trust you to tell me to stop if I never get better, lol!

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      1. Not at all. Don’t be so harsh on yourself. Last week when I was searching for old poems to reblog I almost hid in a closet when I read the early ones. OMG


  4. Great job, Diane! I haven’t written one this week… also, my losing streak continues!! LOL!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks and I don’t see how you lost last week! I thought yours was fantastic…

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      1. Yep… not even a mention. It’s a curse. Jinx. Black cloud that follows me. Any of those… Your choice. LOL (But I appreciate your opinion very much!!)

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      2. Silly woman! I adore your sense of humor. I sense a kindred spirit in sarcasm…Maybe we should write a book together like Kevin and Meg!

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      3. Oh, I can see some potential in that. But I’m pretty sure it will be quite different from their story. 🙂 I don’t know… full of sarcasm and sex? Hm… I actually had an idea for something like this once… And I bet I wrote it down somewhere since I forget everything… LOL


      4. Oh, yes, it would have to be funny and sexy and snarky. I don’t think I could write suspense, never tried…

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Me neither! So, not a children’s book then? Ahhahahhahaaa 😀 We need to think about this…!

        Liked by 1 person

      6. Well, I do know Jake and the Neverland Pirates, :D, but probably no kids books, right, lol

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  5. Excellent Diane! I used similiar terminlogoy in mine this week. I think your limericks are wonderful! I can’t believe you don’t think so!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, thank you, I just think mine sound kind of juvenile. Maybe it’s just insecurity on my part. I never wrote poetry, never let people see my writing much at all. One of the perks of getting older, not caring what people think as much, lol. One of the few perks, I might add!

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      1. I don’t think they sound juvenile at all! And I agree with you a it being one of the “few” perks! 😜


      2. Thanks for saying that! (Well, and the wisdom, of course:) )

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  6. Simply sizzling, Diane!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Roo! Settling in well?


      1. Feels more like the well’s settling, but yes, thanks.

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      2. Aww, the pictures you posted are beautiful…


  7. You can rock a limerick!! Applause… Applause!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I love limericks! -when they are done well, as this one was!

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    1. Thank you, I need the structure of limericks or haiku. I don’t usually do poetry…

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      1. I wouldn’t have guessed!

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      2. Thank you, Hon. I wish I wrote poetry like you do!

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      3. 😊Thanks, I’m flattered!☺️


  9. Wow lots of these passionate poems Diane!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Feeling mushy, Lynn! Loved your grandma mug!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks dear! Love the mushy!


  10. Oooh! Me likey ❤ You are totally rocking the Mushy May Diane 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are so good for my ego. Can I just adopt you?? xxoo

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      1. 🙂 ❤ It is such a wonderful feeling to connect on a deeper level with such awesome gems like you in the blogging world 🙂 I am so glad we hit it off right away Diane 😉 Partly thanks to your Keratin treatment post 😉


  11. Loving your limericks Diane. Settling in for a good month of mush I think. 🙂


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