Sunday is Fun Day…

It’s Girl Scout cookie time in my part of the world.  I know they are called Girl Guides in other places, but are there cookie sales?  If so, put me down for a small, overpriced box of Thin Mints!


Photo from Single Dad Laughing on Facebook

39 responses

  1. Haha! This made me laugh! 😀

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  2. Thin mints? Oh, put me down for a couple of boxes of those. 🙂

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    1. If only they worked! I have a feeling Keith, my evil personal trainer, is not going to be on board with my new diet plan 😉

      Liked by 2 people

      1. It’s a pity, that. Thin mints sounded like such a good idea. 😦

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  3. Is it just me, or did anyone else think that one sleeve of Thin Mints was a serving ?? ☺

    Liked by 2 people

  4. That’s funny. I just dodged some “salespeople” this morning and think I dropped an ounce or so doing so. Thin Mints are simply too addicting…willpower prevailed!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know — maybe they put something in it to make them so addicting! Oh, wait, it’s called chocolate!!

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    1. Wishing it were true, how easy would that be!

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  5. Love them yumm, wish the saying was true!

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  6. Hahahaha! I love this! Had to laugh out loud – really!

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    1. And don’t we wish they worked that way!

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      1. Yes! I would buy boxes and boxes!


  7. We called it girls guide and I was one. We didn’t sell mints, we sold over priced rock buns 😄

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  8. OMG! This made me laugh. I ordered a bunch of thin mints, tagalongs and somoas from my nieces and friends daughter. Time to work out!


    1. Those are the exact ones I ordered! Still have some coming from granddaughter, I think . Working out for sure!

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    1. Too bad they don’t work like they should 😉 I’m glad I only like the Thin Mints and let the rest of the family eat the others.


  9. Funny. An hour five days in the gym each week for a month wold problem net a 1/2 pound lost. Eat that box of Thin Mints and we’ll see quite different results. LOL

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    1. Yes, why can’t they make them work the right way??? I’m working with a personal trainer three hours a week now and doing a 1/2 hour on the treadmill at home most days, plus all this other crap and I am seeing a difference but it’s been hell! He’s like a slave driver…

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      1. LOL Unfortunately, they have to be. You can gain 5 pounds looking at a glass of water and kill yourself for a month trying to work it off.

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      2. That definitely happens to me. Can’t give up my chocolate, tho, so I’ll do the treadmill 🙂

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      3. I workout to be able to eat whatever I want.


      4. There aren’t enough hours in the day for me, lol. You guys are so lucky (sticking my tongue out)

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  10. I loved this post, and the opening picture. BTW, there is a recipe for making thin mints and it is great, and I think even a bit less caloric!

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    1. Ooh, online? I bet you could cut calories


  11. Hahaha! Just received my order of 3 boxes and they are currently in the way back of the car. My kids seem to have radar and if those cookies were in the house, they would be gone in a “thin minute.” Like VanBytheRiver, they think one sleeve equals a serving! 😋

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  12. I like the cookies called “Samoas.” These are thin cookies covered with caramel, coconut and chocolate drizzled over them. I love these but my Mom likes thin mints! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I tried the Samoas for the first time and they were good but Thin Mints and I go way back! Sadly 😦


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